No one gets out of Cedhal Mine.....or whatever....

Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:39 pm

**SPOILERS** this quest I have to either kill the Forsworn leader in jail...or side with him against the Thanor.

Heres what I did and tell me if I mucked up:

I wanted to kill Madanach the whole time. But I didn't want to attack him with all the other jail mates when he gave me back my stuff and the Forsworn armor....and then went outside to start the battle....I stabbed him in the back.

So to speak....I just kiled him during the battle which made it easier. I needed them to get out of the cave (help wit the spiders and all) and it was just easier to kill him while he other guys were occupied. there anything besides the loyalty from the Forsworn and the ring from the Thanor or whoever b/c I really wanted to be against Madanach, but I'm not sure if it worked out that way.

As it is....Madanach is dead and it looked like all the guard guys that were at the end of the tunnel are dead too. Just want to know if what I did was "right".

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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:42 pm

If Thonar rewarded you with the Silver-Blood Family Ring, then the quest has finished as if you sided against Madanach, even if you let him give you the Armor of the Old Gods before that point. People will act accordingly, too, talking about you being pardoned and so on.

I would double-check my stats if I were you, though, just to see that you didn't get a bounty in the process. You never know in this game.

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:08 pm

you can challenge him to a fight if you want, when you see him at his desk.

The other jail mates are to far away to care if you stab him in the back (Live or die)

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Tina Tupou
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