One good Reason On Why No PC Demo

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:19 pm

MS is trying to get to PC with Robot Entertainments new game which looks quite great but I think MS should just cut the ****.

Just work on the Xbox before it runs into the ground with lack of exclusives. MS is trying to juggle Windows, Phones, Kinect, PC gaming and Xbox.

Drop the Phones: iPhone and Andriod beat you to the punch years ago.

Drop the Casual: Kinect is great for adding a new audience but 8 year olds like guns and muscles not WiiMote knock offs.

Drop the PC gaming: Your trying to make up lost ground and by doing this your leaving your star player, Xbox, behind.

If they stop all those then I think the Xbox will solider on and fight a good fight in this console wars.

Also the Xbox needs Japan, Sony is making ground because of the Rising Sun country.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:24 am

They always drop several balls when trying to juggle everything. They dropped PC gaming about 2006 when vista failed. They cut their losses and concentrated on xbox. It meant PC gaming had a terrible 2007/2008 overall, but valve rescued it and made it their own platform.

Now that PC gaming is turning huge profits for valve (and it's only ever really been profit since 2007 for steam, no 'taking it on the chin' like M$ and sony did until 2008/9), Microsoft want some pie, but it's too late. So PC gaming has grown to live without microsoft and the name GFWL is mud.

Therefore their only realistic platform to work with (as you've already said, they're running sweatily behind the bandwagon in other areas) is the 360, but they're strangling it with no exclusives, no free online play as standard and restricting companies like valve when they come along with features like fee DLC and cross platform.

M$ just need to shake things up a little, paying off companies like crytek/EA to make multiplatforms look exclusive is just sad. However, they're a very conflicted company in the gaming space. If they screw over PC gaming too much, they lose too many windows sales (especially if valve make a steam OS!), but if they don't focus on the 360 the ps3 will storm ahead.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:10 am

They always drop several balls when trying to juggle everything. They dropped PC gaming about 2006 when vista failed. They cut their losses and concentrated on xbox. It meant PC gaming had a terrible 2007/2008 overall, but valve rescued it and made it their own platform.

Now that PC gaming is turning huge profits for valve (and it's only ever really been profit since 2007 for steam, no 'taking it on the chin' like M$ and sony did until 2008/9), Microsoft want some pie, but it's too late. So PC gaming has grown to live without microsoft and the name GFWL is mud.

Therefore their only realistic platform to work with (as you've already said, they're running sweatily behind the bandwagon in other areas) is the 360, but they're strangling it with no exclusives, no free online play as standard and restricting companies like valve when they come along with features like fee DLC and cross platform.

M$ just need to shake things up a little, paying off companies like crytek/EA to make multiplatforms look exclusive is just sad. However, they're a very conflicted company in the gaming space. If they screw over PC gaming too much, they lose too many windows sales (especially if valve make a steam OS!), but if they don't focus on the 360 the ps3 will storm ahead.
But Team Meat, the guys who made the Super Meat Boy, found a loop hole and MS helped them make DLC free for the game by installing a virtual level in the game where you go in and you could download from there.

Also EA has been allowing free DLC with Online Pass for awhile now.

Valve just hates it because MS wont let them just go in a make all there DLC free free.

It is dumb but I think if Valve really dug then they would of got it. Instead Valve just wants Steam and Sony say Valve as a Money sign in the making and gave them a lot to earn more from fans.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:10 am

If they screw over PC gaming too much, they lose too many windows sales (especially if valve make a steam OS!), but if they don't focus on the 360 the ps3 will storm ahead.

IMO Microsoft doesn't give a hoot about Windows sales for gamers. It gets more than enough cash from selling licenses and support to large corporations. Actually, Windows could probably lose a big chunk of the consumer market and they would still be fine because of the support fees and things they get from companies who are locked in to using Windows.

I've wondered the same thing about Valve making a steam OS. It would be awesome if they built an OS on something like unix that would have very low overheads and be made specifically for gaming. That way you can use all 5.6 jiggaflops or however much processing power computers have nowadays for games.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:38 am

If they screw over PC gaming too much, they lose too many windows sales (especially if valve make a steam OS!), but if they don't focus on the 360 the ps3 will storm ahead.

IMO Microsoft doesn't give a hoot about Windows sales for gamers. It gets more than enough cash from selling licenses and support to large corporations. Actually, Windows could probably lose a big chunk of the consumer market and they would still be fine because of the support fees and things they get from companies who are locked in to using Windows.

I've wondered the same thing about Valve making a steam OS. It would be awesome if they built an OS on something like unix that would have very low overheads and be made specifically for gaming. That way you can use all 5.6 jiggaflops or however much processing power computers have nowadays for games.
MS gots casual and multimedia users of PC with Windows around its finger. Mac is too expensive to some in this economy.

Also MS is getting most tech savvy with the whole Windows 7 on everything and now Windows 8 will have a relationship with ARM.

MS gots Windows but not PC gamers.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:49 pm

Yeah but they can sell windows and more importantly service for windows support to corporations and make a ton more money. PC gaming is just some icing on the top of the cake for M$. I don't think they really care.

Anyway, what is the one good reason for no PC demo?
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:35 pm

From wear cane we dawnload the Demo?
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Kaley X
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:51 am

No, hackers will affect any game, including console games. Delaying the inevitable doesn't help anything. There are really only two possible explanations for this:

1) Microsoft paid them to do it. Makes sense, considering that Crytek and Microsoft have had a relationship since the original Crysis, with the DirectX 10 nonsense to promote Vista. There is also that Xbox 360 exclusive, Project Kingdoms. This could just be another part of their agreement.

2) They focused so much on the Xbox 360 version that the PC and Playstation 3 versions are behind. This would also explain why almost all media released has been of the Xbox 360 version.

A combination of the two may also be possible. Either way, it's quite pathetic on Crytek's part. thats bull, most console games rarely get hacked, and if they do, they get patched up quick. but theres always one hacker in every game on crysis
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:51 pm

console games rarely get hacked

MW2 would like to disagree with you.


All games get hacked. Good companies patch their games and provide the capacity for anti-cheat measures (good server admins, anti-cheat software etc).
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:07 pm

No, hackers will affect any game, including console games. Delaying the inevitable doesn't help anything. There are really only two possible explanations for this:

1) Microsoft paid them to do it. Makes sense, considering that Crytek and Microsoft have had a relationship since the original Crysis, with the DirectX 10 nonsense to promote Vista. There is also that Xbox 360 exclusive, Project Kingdoms. This could just be another part of their agreement.

2) They focused so much on the Xbox 360 version that the PC and Playstation 3 versions are behind. This would also explain why almost all media released has been of the Xbox 360 version.

A combination of the two may also be possible. Either way, it's quite pathetic on Crytek's part. thats bull, most console games rarely get hacked, and if they do, they get patched up quick. but theres always one hacker in every game on crysis

Thanks for bringing a tears of laughter to my eyes.

MW2 is certainly the biggest victim at the moment.
Activision's resolution? Buy black Ops. No, I'm not kidding.

MS has at least a mild interest in PC gaming. It helps them launch and implement their DirectX API, they need to do what they can to retain that kind of control or else people will just find/use/go-back to something else.

I think with windows 8 we're going to see MS try and get more fingers in the PC pie, hopefully it's not as atrocious as previous attempts (GfWL, vista's dx10 exclusivity etc.)
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Avril Louise
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:15 pm

Modern Warfare is victim to under moderation. Look at Halo, big franchise.

If you where to hack on Halo, you are in about a couple games then you would be kicked out.

Every Activision game falls under this while EA and others dont. COD games have NO moderation and literally dont care.

Look at PS3 Jailbreaks with MW2, all Infinity Ward said was "Sony needs to fix there ****" which isnt true. MW2 needs to in general.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:07 pm

seriously, your going to get the full game like everyone else... Stop complaining you didn't get the PRIVILEGE!!! of having a demo and have to wait to get the game on the normal release day like everyone else, really cry me a river...
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Kari Depp
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:17 pm

@Ahadihunter1 lol made my morning being told to "listen here son"...nice I feel so much younger than my 42 years of age :D

As you are new to forums I'd take everything I say with a pinch of salt, I like to stir things up with my own musings and as they say everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I for one have spent years building up a Crysis clan (BUTTKICKERS look it up if you don't believe me), making several very popular MP maps in both Crysis and Wars (look on Crymod if you don't believe me) so as far as my opinions I have every right to say wtf I like.

So going into a Satan rant, was it all worth it ?

Never heard of Buttkickers.
XerRaz were the god clan of crysis. Don't boast.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:00 pm

pc game will be best, so why you guys complain?
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:08 am

pc game will be best, so why you guys complain?

This is true indeed.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:56 pm

Never heard of Buttkickers.
XerRaz were the god clan of crysis. Don't boast.

and i never heard of xerraz lol
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:57 am

pc game will be best, so why you guys complain?

This is true indeed.

It would be nice,yes. But we need more crysis 2 pc evidence to be sure.
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He got the
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:46 am

Never heard of Buttkickers.
XerRaz were the god clan of crysis. Don't boast.

and i never heard of xerraz lol

What the hell is xerraz? I know BK, PhX, NH, Bros, UG, 70x, etc but not that. ^-^
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:55 am

I wish had a comp good enough to play Crysis. but at least i have my 360
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