One handed Spear Mod

Post » Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:44 am

Wouldn't it be great to work on Endurance (spear) and Agility (Block) at the same time? Spears are usually way less devastating than Halberds, almost as if Bethesda was planning one handed shafted weapons to be spears, and the Halberds were meant to be two handed.

How difficult would it be to animate battle with these 1H spears? I know i would love to have a mod that does this. I can't find any. But i'm sure i'm not the first to wonder whether it could be done.

I changed a spear to behave as a 1H Sword, and it looked natural enough to me. Of course, it was Strength based then. Sob.

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Amy Cooper
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Post » Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:57 am

Have a look on Morrowind Modding History, a search for "one handed spears" had a couple of definite returns as first results and some possibles further down the search results.
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carley moss
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