» Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:41 pm
Dear diary day 1, today I found myself in a strange world, there are many creatures here that haunt me but I have found a mace.
Dear diary day 3, today I tried the mace out on one of those creatures that haunt me, I tried stabbing it with the mace but it did me no good.
Dear diary day 7, today I found out that if I slam the side of the mace into a creature it works a lot better than stabbing it with the front of the weapon.
Dear diary day 11, I′ve become a master warrior, me and my trusty mace bash any enemy in our way, nothing can escape my wrath and power.
Dear diary day 13, I′ve lost the mace! It′s gone! My precious is gone!
Dear diary day 15, I found an axe, I used all my bashing skills on a creature but even after slamming it with the side 50 times I did not do any good damage.
Dear diary day 18, I′ve decided I either need to learn what works with an axe or find a new mace.
Dear diary day 1, today I found myself in a strange world, there are many creatures here that haunt me but I have found a mace.
Dear diary day 3, today I tried the mace out on one of those creatures that haunt me, I tried stabbing it with the mace but it did me no good.
Dear diary day 7, today I found out that if I slam the side of the mace into a creature it works a lot better than stabbing it with the front of the weapon.
Dear diary day 11, I′ve become a master warrior, me and my trusty mace bash any enemy in our way, nothing can escape my wrath and power.
Dear diary day 13, I′ve lost the mace! It′s gone! My precious is gone!
Dear diary day 15, I found an axe, I was gonna try slamming a creature with the side of it but for some divine reason I knew I should chop with the blade of it.
Dear diary day 16, I′ve decided I like my axe just as much as my mace, I′m still the master warrior I always was.
Dear diary day 19, I can′t believe I lost the axe too, not to worry I found a dagger though.
Dear diary day 21, I′ve slammed the side of the dagger into my enemies but to no end, at least not theirs, and chopping doesn′t seem to work too well either.
Dear diary day 24, I′m gonna have to learn what works with a dagger or I need to find a new mace or an axe.
Dear diary day 1, today I found myself in a strange world, there are many creatures here that haunt me but I have found a mace.
Dear diary day 3, today I tried the mace out on one of those creatures that haunt me, I tried stabbing it with the mace but it did me no good.
Dear diary day 7, today I found out that if I slam the side of the mace into a creature it works a lot better than stabbing it with the front of the weapon.
Dear diary day 11, I′ve become a master warrior, me and my trusty mace bash any enemy in our way, nothing can escape my wrath and power.
Dear diary day 13, I′ve lost the mace! It′s gone! My precious is gone!
Dear diary day 15, I found an axe, I was gonna try slamming a creature with the side of it but for some divine reason I knew I should chop with the blade of it.
Dear diary day 16, I′ve decided I like my axe just as much as my mace, I′m still the master warrior I always was.
Dear diary day 19, I can′t believe I lost the axe too, not to worry I found a dagger though.
Dear diary day 20, screw the axe, I somehow knew that putting the pointy end first works best with a dagger, I may never have worked with a dagger before, but I have become a master assassin none the less in only one day!