This board has been so helpful so far, I would like to abuse this with yet another (last one, I promise) set of questions:
How do I optimally configure my bashed patch?
I am running FCOM, LAME, UL, and a number of smaller mods, and am not certain how to answer the following questions:
1. Do I merge patches? If so, which ones?
2. Do I use the various "import" options to import anything? If so what? From what mods?
3. Can I use any available tweaks, even if a previous mod (say OOO or Frans) has already changed that variable (say the MaxSummons variable despite using LAME)?
4. Is there any other warning / hint I need to know before generating my own bashed patch?
Any answer will be greatly appreciated, as well as any more useful guide to making a good bashed patch (they Wyre Bash readme is not very suggestive).
Starnaal the Fallen