I'll be playing on my favorite builds.
Race - Breton
Birth Sign - Apprentice
Class - Custom
Attributes - Intelligence and Endurance
Major Skills - Blade, Blunt, Block, Destruction, Restoration, Light Armor, and Speechcraft
Not really sure why I like this particular build, it just worked for me and I enjoyed playing it.
I'm going to make a list of all the things I'll try to do. I'm definitely not a master at this game so I'll need lots of suggestions

1 - Do the Main Quest
2 - Fighter's GuildQuests
3 - Mage's Guild Quests
4 - Thieves Guild Quests
5 - Knights of the Nine
6 - Shivering Isles Main Quest
7 - Close all Oblivion Gates
8 - Get all unique items (Umbra, Fin Gleam, Cheydinhal shield, etc.)
9 - Buy all the houses and everything for them
10 - Get all skills, major and minor, to 100.
11 - All the Daedric Shrine Quests
12 - Beat the Arena
13 - Dark Brotherhood Quests
14 - Get all the Nirnroots
15 - Get Armour from every city
16 - Full sets of every kind of armour
17 - Full set of Master Alchemy equipment
Yeah, I'm out of stuff to do O_o
Post anything you can think of that's not on the list and I'll add them tomorrow. Night <3