No one's made a bow and arrow yet?

Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:54 pm

I'm not asking it to be made if it hasn't yet, I'm just wondering if there isn't some gem hiding about somewhere. I realize that there probably isn't given my fruitless searches of the Nexus, and the fact that such a mod would require complex new animations to be made both for the weapon and the player. Anyway, if there's one hiding out there, let me know.
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:23 pm

A crossbow would propably be more feasible animation-wise, i've always tought that it would make a nice schematic weapon, something like that makeshift crossbow in BioShock.

As far as iknow neither exist, they would be nice silenced weapons, though.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:45 pm

The Dart Gun would be the closest approximation right now. I don't use it very often, but doesn't it look sort of like a mini hand-held crossbow? Now, if that sequence or ammo could be modified to use some sort of exploding Dart, that would be fun. Or just an Armor Piercing Dart, silent but deadly.
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:48 pm

There is a crossbow on the nexus, but it doesn't quite have that "rambo badass" feel that a classic makeshift bow does, the one on the nexus is quite nice, but looks like one you'd buy from Canadian Tire or whatever to go hunting.
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:30 pm

A crossbow would propably be more feasible animation-wise, i've always tought that it would make a nice schematic weapon, something like that makeshift crossbow in BioShock.

As far as iknow neither exist, they would be nice silenced weapons, though.

yea its funny after all the talk of crossbows type weapons and makeshift weapons and the need there of we still don't have a good one that adds them to leveled lists

but we have naked people mods galore

Almost every day on the nexus somebody posts one, or a porm poster collection? oh,boy porm posters in my game!!!!

not that I am totally opposed to nvde body mods its just they are among the very first made for a game ,sorry I just don't get it?

its not the first thing that pops in my head when I think post apocalypse

wait what is this? I am hearing a strange chant in my head now!


the naked raiders are coming to get me, and take my cloths off,,,,,,,, wait I'm not wearing any either!!!!

got to go find my cloths before porm posters are stuck to the walls of my home by naked raiders!!!

you know thats the first thing they do when they break in your home porm POSTERS!!!!!!!!!!
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Cody Banks
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:25 am

Well, i'd guess most modders are men, and most men typically have one-track minds. Of course i'd be lying if i said i don't use such mods... :blush: (though one of the recent high-quality Type 3 skins is apparently made by a woman, things aren't quite as simple as they would seem).

On topic, there is one mod named "Crossbow" on Nexus, but it is currently set as hidden. I am surprised no one has made use of CRAFT and created a crossbow schematic.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:22 pm

No one forces you to use those nekked mods. and there is always 1 route to get any kind of pointy stick you could want modded in.... just make it yourself.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:36 am

No one forces you to use those nekked mods.

The point is that if people had put the energy they spent on those types of mods to something that actually improved the gameplay, we'd have an awesome game by now. Now the odd nvde or libidinous mod is fine, but there's several being posted almost everyday. That's alot of wasted effort as far as I'm concerned.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:44 am

The point is that if people had put the energy they spent on those types of mods to something that actually improved the gameplay, we'd have an awesome game by now.

a subjective opinion. Modding= your game is what you make. ANd I don't make gameplay mods, should I stop then?
Now the odd nvde or libidinous mod is fine, but there's several being posted almost everyday. That's alot of wasted effort as far as I'm concerned.

Your game is what you make it. Feeling stroppy that every modder isn't catering to what your opinion of good mods will not get you any closer to what you want.
I think your lack of effort is mostly at fault there. Not other modders putting effort into what ever they are into. lol @ not getting what you want and then blaming active modders for actually modding. So what they do is not for you, none of them are under any obligation to cater to your whims. wasted effort. Not in thier eyes.

If no one is doing it for you, you can always make it yourself. :shrug:
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:17 pm

If no one is doing it for you, you can always make it yourself. :shrug:

As it is I'm spending all my free time working on my own projects. I only have time for so much. It would be nice to be able to go to the Nexus once in awhile and find something I found interesting and useful, instead of yet another scantily clad/nvde female mod. There's already more to choose from than I can possibly use at any one time, so why bother adding more? Why not spend that energy doing something that no one's thought of yet? It just strikes me has a lack of imagination.
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Del Arte
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:30 pm

so why bother adding more?

because the nexus severs aren't full yet!

Why not spend that energy doing something that no one's thought of yet? It just strikes me has a lack of imagination.

Cos no ones thought of it lol. At least striking you as a lack of imagination is a valid point. I agree, once you've seen a string bikini, you've seen a string bikini. then you see one in zebra print... then neon green.. etc :hehe:

but then they say variety is the spice of life. :shrug:
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:17 pm

As it is I'm spending all my free time working on my own projects. I only have time for so much. It would be nice to be able to go to the Nexus once in awhile and find something I found interesting and useful, instead of yet another scantily clad/nvde female mod. There's already more to choose from than I can possibly use at any one time, so why bother adding more? Why not spend that energy doing something that no one's thought of yet? It just strikes me has a lack of imagination.
It's not as if they're drawing talent from the "Gameplay modder" pool, advlt modders are a largely separate type that use gamesas games because they're easy to mod (an unfortunate double-edged sword).
It's like complaining that there's already enough porm and the photographers involved should start taking artistic landscape shots- if they weren't doing porm, they wouldn't be playing with a camera/construction set in the first place.

That said, it doesn't make the sheer volume of effort wasted on making Ghoul Romance Extreme #71 any less depressing/terrifying/nauseating.
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:17 pm

That said, it doesn't make the sheer volume of effort wasted on making Ghoul Romance Extreme #71 any less depressing/terrifying/nauseating

:rofl: yea who could forget that scene with Gob and Karen Schenzy from -Ghoul Romance Extreme #71-
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:36 am

That said, it doesn't make the sheer volume of effort wasted on making Ghoul Romance Extreme #71 any less depressing/terrifying/nauseating.

Hey! There's nothing wrong with using whatever media is available to fulfill one's fantasies!

Lots of times I've fantasized about getting a quickie on with Willow at the bottom of the metro escalators.

But that's a personal matter.... Let's, um, just forget I said anything.

If anyone is looking for me, I'll be over at the Nexus search page...

I might be gone a while.
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:30 pm

Willow? Two hundreds years earlier, maybe... :D

Well, the situation can't really be helped, even if advlt mods for Fallout 3 were banned, they wouldn't be replaced with gun/gameplay mods. Still, i wouldn't say there is a shortage of weapons or armor for the game. To me it also seems Fallout 3 modding community isn't quite as large and/or active as Oblivion and Morrowind ones.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:33 pm

No really I don't mind some of the -neked stuff-

heck I even understand, although I don't use the A P mod, I see that that could really happen, like the brothel in dragonage maybe a little less graphic but each to his own

these things happen and for some folks could add to there roleplaying the game- I get it -

where I draw the line, and like talkie said, very good point by the way, is this

these other mods like porm posters, porm billboards, ect, ect, are nothing but another avenue or media for pormographers

if you chose to use them in your game so be it, none of my concern, but don't try and tell me that they are anything less than -smut-

and I guess I can't help feeling it is a waste of time --for me-- when I go to the nexus and find a brand new porm-star billboard mod, yay!!!

If you want to view porm well my friend theres no limit of it on the web these days, you can soak your brain till you die and probably not see it all

but again --for me-- its a massive waste of time and space for a game

but I tell you my suspicion is this, these type of mods are for the teenagers and husbands who want to look at girlie pictures without getting caught by there parents or wife

so they can say -no??-, I'm not viewing porm,, I'm playing a mod for my game! yea, oh lets look over here away from neked ladie billboard till mom leaves the room

your welcome everyone!, I'm very talented a pointing out the obvious :D
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:57 pm

these other mods like porm posters, porm billboards, ect, ect, are nothing but another avenue or media for pormographers

go pormographers! they just hatin.

but then without them, where would I go when I need a porm poster on my (in game) wall?
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:56 pm

I'd prefer ones that don't replace ALL of the posters. There are places in real world with erotic posters and calendars, and those places aren't bus stops :D

...Then again, some ad posters are pretty darn close...

And this must be the most derailed topic i've ever posted in :blink:
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:26 am

And this must be the most derailed topic i've ever posted in :blink:

Well, someone brings up arched bows and arrow shafts, where do you thing the topic is going to go?
Us guys, if our mind isn't in the gutter, it's in the fridge looking for something to eat.

I realize the topic is most likely lost forever, but Phinius asks a valid question. Look at all the new gun models packaged with FOOK2. The modeling talent is there. The demand is there. All that is needed is a talented animation artist, and we could have stick bows, recurves, compounds and cross bows galore...

Maybe it will happen. It definitely doesn't hurt to keep bring up the subject!
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:41 pm

Us guys, if our mind isn't in the gutter, it's in the fridge looking for something to eat.

Damn straight! *crushes a beer can to his forehead*

Seriously and on (original) topic, a crossbow with a scope like in No One Lives Forever 2 (a spy game set in the sixties, a bit similar in style to the Austin Powers movies with a female lead) would be something i'd definetly use, it would be more plausible than a silenced Sniper Rifle IMO, without the firepower degration from the silencer. And if i'm not mistaken longbows are still used as hunting wepons too (or atleast in sports) so those would fit too.

FOOK2 indeed has an impressive arsenal of weapons, but they are mostly small guns (last i played, atleast). And with New Vegas releasing in a few months, i wonder how much of the modding community will be moving on too? Well the big overhauls will propably finished (As finished as they'll ever be atleast), but most of the guns are made as standalone mods. I doubt those will ever happen.

I'd make one myself, but i don't know how to model. Or texture. Or use GECK. And have the artistic talent of a half of a frozen fly :blush:
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:11 pm

Threadjack much, Kingsheart?
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:33 pm

Yes, we did get a bit off topic didn't we? Frankly I don't see the point of a bow and arrow myself. There's so many guns around that it would be kind of a useless weapon to have. Which is probably why no one's bothered to make one. They may fit into Oblivion alright, but they're kind of redundant in Fallout.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:43 pm

How would I go about porting the bow animation from oblivion to fallout 3? I wouldn't upload it publicaly or anything, i'd just use it personaly. Is this possible?
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:13 pm

You really can't ask that here either.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:08 pm

You really can't ask that here either.

Well, I'm not sure, it's probably not a good idea if I want this thread to one day get back on topic, but if it's between two games that you own, that you are using for your own use and not publishing, then I think it's not really that bad, you'd be better off asking that sort of thing on the Nexus though.

Now, how the hell did you guys manage to get this so off topic hahah, I came back to check on my thread and I was like "Omg! 2 pages of posts! Maybe someone found/made something!", alas, t'was not so. lol

And yeah, as is I'm trying to get Nifskope to work for me and let me make a simple metal pipe (like a longer lead pipe), but even that's still giving me SO MUCH trouble. GRRRRRRRR

Once I'm done learning how to use all that stuff maaaybe I'll give a makeshift bow a try...maybe. lol
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