What about visiting the land and completing a quest (taking the object to NPC ask me to retrieve, kill the one the NPC ask me) before receiving it ? What wrong with that conception? i m curious.
What about the opposite, killing someone you shouldn t because a quest haven t been proposed to you ? Isnt that part of a RPG?
I mean in S.T.A.L.K.E.R i bothched tons of quest due to time factor (as daggerfall) because i killed the wrong guy in a middle of an insane firefight, or lobbing a grenade in the rat hole. Its Like. Ho well, can do this right in next "life" anyway.
Does it bother you people ?
I think this can be interesting IF its used with a lot of parcimony (or not used at all), but it can easely be a pain in the ass and become a pitfall.
- I lost my child after a bandit attack an hour ago they took it probably for slavery, can you do something it it was near the road to (insert name), left the (insert name) falls, they went toward the (insert region name/cardinal direction) would you please save him, i m so desperate, i ll pay you.
-Yes madam, as its state on my face i a hero!
(check location... Other side of the map !)
- Madam ! An hour ago ? Is that, a kind of sick joke ? The location a 100 miles away !!!!
- Hey you can borrow my lamborghini diablo, and buy the way, there s an exoskeleton armor, a MP5 , a Barret MK 82 , a heart beatting sensor, night vision googles, and a predator disk launcher in the trunk. You can have them, i m so tired....
(Hero look at its sword and cry)
Well you get the feeling.