Brink currently has...
King of the Hill (Hacking objectives - both teams have to try and hold onto a specific location for a specific amount of time)
CTF (any "deliver the X" objective)
VIP Escort (obvious)
Vehicle Escort (obvious)
Domination (Control Points)
Assault (HE Charge objectives)
...All incorporated into the current "only" game mode.
And those are just the really obvious ones.
Yes and its great but its all scripted, like the campaign and all in the same places on the same maps and its the same each time you play. I love the game like I keep saying but there isn't that much veriety as there could be, you can only play so many different ways with the scripted online modes. And it doesn't help when you are playing aginst BOTs and you no where they will be and what they will do [once you have learned and no the game]
They need to mix it up a bit and make it so playes use all of the map and not just in the same way every time, make it different.
Ino splash damge wanted to be 'different' and 'unique' with their game but they are, and Ino having multuple objectives in a game is very good and unique but ultimatly it is quite linear and on the same maps in the same way everytime all scripted starts to get repetative.
Theres just not that much veriaty like allot of other games have, you don't experience things much different or rememberable it gets quite 'samey' from game to game specially with those damn BOT's that shouldn't be in an online game lol.
Its just not 'free' if you no what I mean and you dont end up using all thbe the map, just the same parts of it and the same thing happens no matter how much you mix up your class, youe gameplay style theres not much different you can do but play the scripted game the way it is.
My rollercoaster with BRINK:
firts hour: Quite dissapointed wasnt what I thought it was going to be [the graphics and the sub HD low quality, and BOTs in the online and the strange 'campaign']
first day: Started to love it after understanding it
first week: Understand the game loving every second of it cant get enough [except the BOTs online]
2cd week: Still loving the game sort of no it inside out owning the way through experimenting with all of the weapons and classes, gamplay types [exept the BOTs online]
3rd week: Still loving no all of the weapons and different gameplay types and tactics now but have played the same maps doing the same thing each time the same way starting to get abit 'samey' and dare I say it slightly 'dull' Cant see myself playing this regulary for 6 months. Waiting on the new DLC to keep the spark alive. But you shouldnt need that till atleast 3 months after the games release to 'keep you interested in it' But im finding it less of 'oh really DLC great but having so much fun anyway' and more of 'need it so its still great fun'