Ahh, http://youtu.be/lBjXXzqXjIQ
My current character is female Bosmer adventurer/vampire hunter named Arya. As for describing her with music, here's what I have:
- http://youtu.be/0VF0BlXP-0Y?t=7m12s (specifically, from 7:13 to 7:44)
-Artist: Nightwish
- Why? Because she's Epic.
Now that is Epic!
Back in my old P&P RPG days, I used to always think of theme music for my characters and npcs. Often one character might have several songs, that reflect different elements of who they are.
Teresa of the Faint Smile for example, has several.
http://youtu.be/cGs8vtjDxxY is about the Emperor, who changed her life forever by teaching her that she could be more than who she was.
http://youtu.be/nie4kmefOlo is all about her relationship with her girlfriend, Tadrose Helas.
Same with http://youtu.be/o7GvY6O9J4w
And finally of course, because she is a wood elf witch, who is only truly at home in the wilderness http://youtu.be/wU9dgNdzkHU