no one plays online..? (PC)

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:32 pm

Hey guys, each time i go on free play, i go to server selection i see alot of 0/12 or w.e the limit is, and i cannot find anyone online?! and when i do find somone, it's keeps going on TIME OUT,

i've only really ever played with 2people!

and if i do see a server it's to far, with like a 200+ ping

i'm from England btw, is there a server issue? or (as steam as removed it for UK) limit of people can only play if they pre orded it?

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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:44 am

Hey guys, each time i go on free play, i go to server selection i see alot of 0/12 or w.e the limit is, and i cannot find anyone online?! and when i do find somone, it's keeps going on TIME OUT,

i've only really ever played with 2people!

and if i do see a server it's to far, with like a 200+ ping

i'm from England btw, is there a server issue? or (as steam as removed it for UK) limit of people can only play if they pre orded it?


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Angel Torres
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:40 pm

Hey, man I am here in the STATES an there the same thing happening here and other multiplaye's hit the Forums under Clans and see in your area.ask for some/W =or /OW password IP's good luck. Just dont lie about your age and you'll be fine.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:09 pm

1st thing to check... make sure your steam cloud download region is set to UK.

I'm in London and spoiled for choice with online games... sure there are empty servers, but even more full ones.

It sounds like you might be experiencing problems with your internet provider or (most likely) your router... I'm getting pings of 25-65 on European servers - 200 ping are games in Asia.

If you're using a Thomson router then you need to buy a better one (Netgear works great for me).

***EDIT*** I was playing all day yesterday, so the issues with Steam Store aren't affecting it.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 5:21 am

1st thing to check... make sure your steam cloud download region is set to UK.

I'm in London and spoiled for choice with online games... sure there are empty servers, but even more full ones.

It sounds like you might be experiencing problems with your internet provider or (most likely) your router... I'm getting pings of 25-65 on European servers - 200 ping are games in Asia.

If you're using a Thomson router then you need to buy a better one (Netgear works great for me).

***EDIT*** I was playing all day yesterday, so the issues with Steam Store aren't affecting it.

so u don't get ALOT of emply server?.


my broadband is 10MB, everything is fine on internet side, my stem region is in LONDON - UK steam community enabled

still 100ping for europe servers etc..
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