How are all of these bugs being discovered if gamers aren't having problems? Maybe New Vegas sold so many copies because theres a name like "Fallout", "Bethesda", etc on the game like how people buy other games because of their name and not actual gameplay like "Call of Duty", and "Activision". The game is $20 so its a bargin to be bought now. Overwhelmingly postive reviews? Wheres the negative ones? Leaving those out? I know Obsidian didn't make the game to have problems, but they're forgeting the game and not patching the issues they have now. They are moving on to new projects. I had a better experience with Fallout 3, maybe a CD thing, not sure. How is it embarrassing? Care to explain? How does monetary value have to deal with anything on game playback and opinion? Please explain. BTW only made the other accounts to get the achievements.
Also, inaccurate generalization: Go look at The Vault: Fallout wiki and click the bugs section. Its pretty sad when theres a list of bugs of a full game longer than The Consitution. Or to put that in a more graspable view, BF3 BETA, which if any one played it, has less bugs than this game.
Also, inaccurate generalization: Go look at The Vault: Fallout wiki and click the bugs section. Its pretty sad when theres a list of bugs of a full game longer than The Consitution. Or to put that in a more graspable view, BF3 BETA, which if any one played it, has less bugs than this game.
If what you got from my post was "New Vegas isn't buggy" then you missed the point. New Vegas is a buggy, unpolished game. It is not as unplayable for most people as it is for you which was the inaccurate generalization you were making but it is buggy. Here's the kicker: so was Fallout 3. The fact that you apparently had minimal issues with it doesn't change the fact that some people, such as me, had problems as severe as the ones you experienced with New Vegas. Get it?