Why do you svck at making games? This has to be one of the worst games I've ever played. When it first came out, I wanted to get it but didn't have the money at the time. When I saw it for $20 on Amazon, I thought, " Hey, I should get this game because I liked Fallout 3 and this is the next installment in the series. It should be pretty good." Boy was I wrong. When I got the game, it was a pre-order copy with the cardboard box and vault DLC card in it. I just thought that the game was overstocked so they had to sell some. Now, I heard about a large amount of bugs from when the game came out, but being that some time had passed, I thought that those would have been patched. Wrong again. My first play through was pretty awesome, it felt like I was in this post-apocalyptic time. Then, when I finally reach New Vegas, I decided to save my game and continue tomarrow. When I got on the next day, my save was corrupt. I was pretty mad, but in the end I made another account. Things were pretty good at the start, got to New Vegas that time. Then, when I go the Great Khans camp, another corrupt game. And again at another place, and again, until I finally beat the game with the NCR. Then I made another character to beat the game with the Legion, House, and Yes Man. Had two more corrupt saves within this time period. After all this, I cleared my cache (which I had done about 25 times throughout NCR and other gameplays) and started a new character. This was going to be my overall awesome character. I deleted auto and manual saves regularly so I wouldn't get a corrupt game. And what do you know? At the end, it also gets corrupt. Now I didn't even mention all the smaller bugs. Some I encountered were audio bugs, items falling through the ground, items duplicating in my inventory adding invisible weight in my inventory, objects not spawning in cells, etc. and the list can go on, trust me. The first day I downloaded GRA, I went for all the achievements in the DLC. Guess what, the game is so buggy that DLC achievements don't even show up and get locked. I have to redo them again, wasting more time while I can be playing the other story DLC on my main character because I have to make a new character because I can't complete some of the 3 star challenges after killing most of the monsters to do the challange. What I'm trying to say is that the bugs in this game are unreal. While the stroy is amazingly deep and fantasticly created (even though they thought it would be a good idea to end the game after the final mission. Really? Didn't you guys learn this wasn't popular from FO3), but the bugs make it hard to really enjoy the game as a whole. I'm scared to play FO and FO2 on the PC because I might lose hours of gameplay due to bugs. Why is this Fallout buggier than Fallout 3? Aren't they on the same game engine. It's not like its hard to find the bugs. The Wiki has pretty much all of them know out on the website. Yes, there many be hundreds of bugs, why not fix the main ones the that may hender the game unplayable? Oh yeah, the team quit, along with the patches to fix the game. Why quit on a game to go to other projects when there is probably a demand for DLC and bugs need to be fixed on this game?
Obsidian, I've lost respect for this game and any future games you will create. I'll have to check future games to make sure that you haven't screwed it over. But this is just my opinion.