sometimes i really get exhausted and want to continue playing my pc save on ps4 in more relaxed mood. isnt it possible to make a save cloud within all platforms?
sometimes i really get exhausted and want to continue playing my pc save on ps4 in more relaxed mood. isnt it possible to make a save cloud within all platforms?
nope, first off, it would require Microsoft and Sony to actually agree to it, but even then, the structure of the save file is different for sony platforms then it is on PC/Xbox (at least, i am pretty sure it is).
yeah i know that but it will be really wonderful to have that option:(
it is simply someting that is basically not going to happen, it would require not only a lot of work, AND it would require two rival companies to work together for something.
Aren't they (Microsoft & Sony) already doing that with Dragon Age's Keep? Though they are using worldstates rather than save files, it is for all platforms that play the game. I should take as much work as they did making them a separate format. Beth could use their mod service ( i think) for uploading and downloading saves. We should eventually be getting mod tools that save in a format for each platform.