something that i though about recently, about the heroes of Nirn.
Eternal Champion, hero of Daggerfall(title-nickname i don't know

or should i say, one blank soul fits all, one formula fits all.
as i understand it, in general, when a mortal dies, body rots and mortal's soul goes to Dreamsleeve for recycling. stripped of everything that had to do with that mortal, it is then used for another mortal. i hope i understand that right. now imagine a blank USB drive and the data erased off it and reprogrammed onto it when it changes the computers. each of the said USB holding different amount of data about the mortal. i assume it to be so because there are various enchant values to the souls of summoned Daedra and even man gods(Tribunal, specifically). it does not seem like too far a stretch to conclude that each soul has its own degree of capacity.
need i go on or did you pick up my point yet

all four aforementioned champions accomplish task that, as i see it, similar in their cores: kill a man god or a god and save the world. pending previous paragraph has truth to some of its, should i say, speculations, pending that, a soul of specific capacity is required when programming the said champions. preferably, one that holds enough data required for such a mortal. meaning, for a peasant, a 256MB flash drive might suffice. for the human who is supposed to undertake a quest lines that might make one insane(CoC,

now, pending reasonable evidence for all of the above, a new notion yet: 1. a unique USB, custom made to hold ridiculously large amounts of data(just in case more needs to be programmed in for the next champion), one size fit all champions. one where Bob is not completely stripped off the USB when Larry is programmed into it. Nor is Bob and Larry are not completely stripped off the USB when Joe is programmed into it. and so on. certainly would save time on reprogramming if Bob had the characteristics that Larry needs for accomplishing his 6 in 1 feat. and Joe would need for his volcano diving. and John would need to face a potentially suicidal lines of tasks required of him in fighting swarms of Daedra and safeguarding crown jewels and immortal priests (

hm, yes, i do have active imagination and i do like to consider possibilities

now i hope there is some truth to at least some of all that was said.