People are done complaining about Crysis 2 things, Crytek told us that they have a DX11 patch for the PC, but now they totally forgot about it and abandoned the PC players, i waited for 2 months, but no it just doesnt work, nothing came from Crytek, and now they are planning to steal more money by adding a patch that costs 10 dollars. ARe you serious Crytek? u lost all ur customer's trusts now.. and ur still adding a patch to steal money.
I got a couple other accounts and crytek banned them all because I say everything from a customer's point of view, but they just keept on banning my accounts. This is it, Crytek, u are forever losing me as a customer, i will NEVER buy any of ur games anymore no matter how good it is, because it is ur company that is pissing us off