I bet he screams more than one thing, either way it'd be nice to just be able to turn them off, maybe even turn off all finishers. Depends on how often they happen, once every hundred kills is not so bad but once every five kills.... :banghead:
No magic finishers, can't remember where I read this though, so all you have is my word.. :woot:
I remember it too, was it in the interview with Matt? Or just one on destructoid, theres been so many recently its hard to keep track.
No, I hated it too.
I mean you wouldn't finish off writing an essay and then yell 'COLLEGE STUDENNNNNT!!!!!', would you? I mean I know its not exactly the same but still, it was ridiculously stupid to me and if it's not just a scripted demo thing I'll be annoyed.
I've been doing it wrong then, no wonder I get looks when I work in the library.