i have been thinking what if we bring all the Elder Scrolls back and merg them in to one world, where you could travel from each part, you would remain with the same role as in ever story and not change the storys any at all. this would bring the old glory of the first 4 and even Morrowind back. ( not to say there is none )
the only thing that would have to be done far as i can tell is to redo the old data so that it works under the Obilvion/Skyrim engine, so that they all look and feel the way they should, or you could just covert the data to work under one engine such as what Obilvion/Skyrim uses so that it could be done.
Im not at all sure if anyone knows what im speaking of, but it has been a long time idea of joining all the Elder Scrolls worlds in to one huge world where you could travel from Arena to Skyrim and everthing in the middle and do all of there quests.
I was also wanting to know where i could find the first 4 Elder Scrolls and how they could be played on a Windows 7 pc. im aware that they are most likely dos based. and dos doesnt exist ( far as i know ) on Windows 7.
Thank you for such great games BSoft