Anyone else wondering what the base carry weight is and how how much Strength points will add. If they will add +10 or will they add +5 or less now due to the new Specials system?
Anyone else wondering what the base carry weight is and how how much Strength points will add. If they will add +10 or will they add +5 or less now due to the new Specials system?
i do know what the base carry weight is:
too little.
Probably. But i can see someone dumping all of their special points into strength and hang a possibly HUGE starting carry weight. Lol
if the game doesn't feature something along the lines, a fo4 version of my "cache sacks" mod (containers you can place and pick up as needed) will be one of the first fo4 mods i'll do to cover just that. saves me points for perception (stealth dude).
I doubt it will be as low as 5. I wouldn't mind 10 or 15 points. I think 20 points might be the best choice, honestly, so long as the base is set to a reasonable value.
from what we've seen in the e3 pres, i figure it'll be 20
Either +10 or +20, depending on their generosity. Also, it kinda depends on their weight system. It would be nice to see them assign actual values to gear.. lbs.. kilos.. stones.. whatever regional system is appropriate.
In Todd's presentation at E3 when showing items on the pipboy he has 2 points in strength and the carry weight is 220. Right about His stats appear a little bit before that.
Maybe later I'll look at the presentation again and look at the carry weight in the pipboy inventory. Probably won't help much, since the Base + StrengthMult is unknown, but who knows. Speculation is fun.
edit: lol, Brambleberry already did it and that's some neat info. Maybe then the base is 200 with +10 for each point in STR? That seems most likely, honestly.
2 points in strength, but do they show Perk selection? Gifted maybe?
Though a base 200 carry weight sounds about right, given how focused on crafting this game's going to be.
They better be more lenient on the carry weight limit because with the amount of depth there is to crafting now, we'll be hoarding like crazy.
(quoted this from another thread "sprinting")
---> note the n# of available + distributed points. makes even 25, if my math factory got that right
He did not go to the perks screen unfortunately. Probably just to drive us all crazy.
P.S. @s7o - total of 28 starting points for special.
i think the real reason for adding settlement building features is so you can build storehouses for all the junk you collected anyway
(messies of the wastes, we are...)
While we're at it, in that same showcase Howard's character has 2 END and 90 Health at level 1. And 70 AP with 1 AGI. Not sure what to glean with that, I never took the Math Wrath perk.
We can not take anything from that, he may very well have been in ~ mode for filming the preview he did on stage.
90 Health at Level 1 sounds about right, if you compare base damage of weapons in New Vegas vs Health totals. Can't speak for AP, since we don't know the cost of using a weapon in VATS yet.
Doesn't it depend on how much things will weigh? A gun that weights 20 units will need a different carryweight from one that weighs 4 units.
I'm just wondering what the math will be. To my knowledge it's usually a base value plus a value multiplied by your attribute. Health would also factor in level, although I hope it does so retroactively so that we're not penalized for not maxing Endurance at the start.
edit: My guess on the AP formula is 60 + (10*AGI). At we're shown a character with 5 AGI and 110 AP, so this formula would be consistent with the other character, unless there are perks like Action Boy messing around. Health is also 240 at 5 END at level 24; I'm not sure we can figure that formula out yet, though.
one of chest mods for power armour one man tank suit in fo4 should nice huge backpack
just saying bethesda
So it's a base weight of 200 and 20 points are added per point for Strength...seems like it'll be enough. I didn't pay attention to how heavy weapons are though.
And I'm guessing that heavily modded weapons will be heavier than base weapons.
1 is the minimum you can have per SPECIAL stat so I assumed that you'd have 200 with 1.
HP was 90 at level 1 with 2 endurance in the E3 demo.
2 END? Oh ffs, I spent so much time trying to figure out the formula assuming it was 1END and I didn't even double-check my own post to see that it was 2! That was a 1 INT moment on my part.
So, 90 HP with 2 END at lvl 1, and 240 HP with 5 END at lvl 24.I'll... think about this after lunch.