I wont even mention the chance of there being ?§$&@*player included in the game. Incase Todd Hears me *shudders*
But, I wonder if there will be any online requirements tied into your Player owned Settlements.
Has this been confirmed or denied?
No, this is single player only the way Bethesda is putting it out.
Modders have tried to add it as far back as Oblivion (as far as I know), they may try to add it again, but the work behind it is out of my expertise.
None that we currently know of. Only time you need internet is for patches really.
As far as I know Bethesda has never actually released a online-multiplayer game before. I doubt they would do so now and if they did I highly doubt they'd keep it a secret for this long.
yeah pure single player experience. =P Im glad for it
"Battlespire is the first (and only) game in the spin-off series called An Elder Scrolls Legend. It was originally conceived as an expansion to Daggerfall, but evolved into a standalone game. The action takes place within a single multi-level dungeon, the Battlespire, where the player is sent to investigate some unusual events. It also features a multiplayer option."
Ah, yes. Battlespire. The ES game that nobody remembers. At least people still remember Redguard though. Sometimes.
The day a fallout game gets coop or multiplayer will be the day i stop supporting Bethesda.
Considering the types of mods that are out there, it would be far too difficult to balance for multiplayer.
Nah, D3 clearly showed why online single player games are a bad idea.
Everyone heard that epic burn in the E3 vid right?
This. The last thing Fallout and TES games need is tacked on multiplayer.
The fact that TES Online isn't done really well doesn't mean it couldn't have been done very well.
I personally think the era of having online as an added extra game mode is over. Online is either a large focus of the game (like GTA V, where you could argue GTA Online is almost a standalone title) or co-op or multiplayer is one of it's main selling points (Dying Light, TESO, The Division). My guess is any future Fallout games will be either solely single player like Fallout 4, or a primarily multiplayer game like TESO. With TESO being as underwhelming as it is though, it seems Fallout Online is quite far off.
Multiplayer is vastly overrated...
*eyes squinted peeks right and left*
All clear? Ok, Fallout doesn't need any form of multiplayer... EVER.
The existing engine has NO networking built in. This one fact is why all the modding attempts to insert some sort of MP into Beth games since Morrowind have been lackluster experiments at best.
ESO should not even be uttered in the same breath as the single player TES games (just my opinion).
I have no doubt that discussions have been had at Bethesda about making a Fallout Online type game (similar to ESO) , but I think the level of success that ESO has had (or not had) determined it's not happening (at least not at this time...that we know of).
What he said
I don't like being out in public IRL and I don't like it in my games either, lol.
There are some who seem to want multiplayer. It's a tiny minority fortunately, although rather vocal one. Multiplayer is the very last thing to be added in Fallout.
The only online requirement we know for certain is merely the Steam activation for the PC version. That's it, nothing more.