» Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:12 am
I think simply put , it is possible but just too complex for anyone to pull together flawlessly. Server fees are one problem. Very few people are going to pay to play online, especially if the game is buggy, and I'm not sure if it's even legal to "sell" mods. Then you have a lot of complex coding and scripting, that would probably be quite hard to implement into the GECK/game. If you then actually manage to get the server up, the lag really depends on a lot of factors, like server quality, client compatibility and client's connection speed. And finally, there's the bugs and "hackable" side to it. You can't really disable the console or disable mods that people are users, and if not, then they will just abuse it with the "killall" command ect. As aforementioned, the bugs would also range from minor things such as duplicated items, to large scale things such as missing meshes and crashing games. So, yeah, I think it's impossible, unless people are willing to spend literally years of their lives fixing the bugs and creating a flawless game mode.