Probably my biggest disappointment in Skyrim and its camp-followers, is how they all shrug their shoulders at the obvious shortcomings and outright awful things about many aspects of the game, and just have this attitude of "oh, TES has never done that kind of stuff well", or "they've never done well-written, complex quests with multiple choices, so I don't expect it from them", or "balance isn't one of their strongpoints, never has been", or this, or that, or any of a dozen different excuses and apologies for heaps of lousy, lazy, careless and rushed game making.
I swear I have never seen such a deep, unwavering and blind acceptance, by so many people in any game's community, of so much being wrong and/or missing from their game(s). Instead of saying "yeah, you're right, if they at least tried to do those things well too, this would truly be the most awesome game ever made, and would take the game of the year for the next five years without any competition, just due to its complete and incontrovertible awesomeness"... instead, they say "Oh that stuff has never been done or done right in the TES series, so you just shouldn't expect it, or even ask for it." No, you should be happy to be served slop, as long as it's mixed in with so much purty scenery.
I just can't even comprehend the mindset it takes to accept and just svck it down like that and not want (nay, demand) a game to try to be the best it can be, instead of blithely accepting so much blatant and unnecessary institutionalized mediocrity. Stand up for yourselves, demand better, don't settle for big heaps of crap stirred into the cookie dough in place of the chocolate chips. You'll get better product when you don't just roll over and be a mindless herd of eternally unquestioning sycophants.
Sure, at the beginning, I could see how Skyrim drew a crowd, but as the time went by and all the redundancies and flaws came to light, I was also appalled by the acceptance and the excuses even hard core TES fans made for the game. First of all, they went totally the opposite direction of any TES game I've played. I really liked the way you leveled in Morrowind and Oblivion, that was TES style, why would they change that? I really like the world and the immense Lore behind the games, yet, I don't know why, but Skyrim appears only to be surface deep when it comes to History and Lore. The quests feel rushed, I also think it's silly to have quest locked dungeons. The spawn rate of dragons gets annoying after a while, the comments of NPCs are beyond annoying. A lot of things are forced onto the player and yea, I'm actually sad that the game I had high hopes for turned out rather mediocre.
At least that is my opinion and trust me, I'm a die hard TES fan, well make that Fallout Fan now! =p
I still think that Skyrim has a beautiful world, but I think Beth focused too much on the console aspect (well not so much in the PS3 case lol poor PS3 players) and they also were rushed by that silly deadline of 11.11.11 For me, a 100% PC gamer, the game UI is definitely a console port.
Now all that said, Blackreach is still one of the coolest places in a TES game.

A bit empty yea, *sigh* So much wasted potential in a game.