Sure, at the beginning, I could see how Skyrim drew a crowd, but as the time went by and all the redundancies and flaws came to light, I was also appalled by the acceptance and the excuses even hard core TES fans made for the game. First of all, they went totally the opposite direction of any TES game I've played. I really liked the way you leveled in Morrowind and Oblivion, that was TES style, why would they change that? I really like the world and the immense Lore behind the games, yet, I don't know why, but Skyrim appears only to be surface deep when it comes to History and Lore. The quests feel rushed, I also think it's silly to have quest locked dungeons. The spawn rate of dragons gets annoying after a while, the comments of NPCs are beyond annoying. A lot of things are forced onto the player and yea, I'm actually sad that the game I had high hopes for turned out rather mediocre.
At least that is my opinion and trust me, I'm a die hard TES fan, well make that Fallout Fan now! =p
I still think that Skyrim has a beautiful world, but I think Beth focused too much on the console aspect (well not so much in the PS3 case lol poor PS3 players) and they also were rushed by that silly deadline of 11.11.11 For me, a 100% PC gamer, the game UI is definitely a console port.
Now all that said, Blackreach is still one of the coolest places in a TES game.

A bit empty yea, *sigh* So much wasted potential in a game.
About the lore feeling surface IS.
If you look up the developer team and look into who did what for Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, you'd basically realize that the main people behind the lore (the books you find throughout the world that explain things in more detail) have all left now. I think there were two dudes left by the time Oblivion came out, and both of them willingly left the company before Skyrim. Hence, Skyrim only has a handful of new lore books, and generally they don't expand on old lore, but rather they just write up new little short stories that don't effect anything at all.
The lead writer has also changed. The current guy (forget his name, think Emil?) that's in charge of writing has only been in charge of the writing department since FO3. So basically most of the old school developers responsible for most of the original ideas of the Elder Scrolls are already gone.
As for fans making excuses, well....
Some people truly haven't played better. Before New Vegas, I played Morrowind, Fallout 3 and Oblivion, with Oblivion being my favorite. They seemed fine then. Why?
Because I had never seen a single player RPG that bothered to involve weapon balancing.
Because I had never played an RPG that truly limits the player and makes them choose a path rather than letting them do anything and depending on the player to be responsible to prevent this.
Because I had never seen an extensive story. Oblivion's Thieves Guild, Shivering Isles and Morrowind's Main quest were the only good written material I'd seen.
Because I'd never seen a developer attempt to encompass consequences extensively. When FO3 had that cop-out enclave ending, I thought "yeah but how can you expect them to bother with an Enclave ending? Impossible, it'd take too long."
New Vegas showed me Obsidian is playing chess, Bethesda is playing checkers. They made an attempt to do things to which Bethesda simply said "nah don't bother, it'd take too much time." New Vegas was especially a wake-up call because it had such a comparatively short development time and yet delivered so much. There was actual weapon and character balancing, there was actual interactivity and consequences in the world, there were much better voice actors and more in-depth characters. They curbstomped Bethesda titles while on a time limit. The whole thing had me asking "wtf why," because until then I'd just been told "not possible because of time restraints," then some company I hadn't heard of until now came along and did the "impossible." Bethesda is either lazy or, more likely, has horrid priorities. Or both. Probably both, since it looks like they're too lazy to do weapon or skill balancing, for example.
As for the fans who continue to defend it despite all this? Hell if I know. Hell, every so often I'll meet someone in the Skyrim forums who scoffs at the mention of New Vegas, saying they didn't bother buying it because "I do have SOME standards." Those are the zealots I guess, who find something they like and then follow it to the end, never questioning it. I actually had no clue New Vegas was coming until about a month or two before release. A friend told me about it and said he was curious if Obsidian would totally [censored] it up or do the job better. I was pretty much the same attitude, ready and willing to see what a Bethesda-esque game by a different company felt like, but I guess some people simply would rather like to stick to something nice they found instead of exploring new horizons, thus they act hostile towards suggestions that their own horizons svck.