If I only buy one DLC

Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:01 pm

Alright so I've played through Dead Money on the Xbox 360 but moved over to playing New Vegas strictly on the PC. Its a long story of why I even bought New Vegas for the console in the first place but It's safe to say I won't be going back. Now I could look through dozens of reviews for each DLC but there are some things only a community could tell me, so based off of my preferences, which DLC should I buy?

-I really like ones that allow for a relatively large amount of exploration, ie Point Lookout.
- Things that wrap up the story and provide a nice end to the tale of the Courier.
- I know for Fallout 3 that some of the better mods required certain DLC to be installed. If there are any great mods out there that require me to have a certain DLC installed that will factor into my decision.

Obviously overall value, re playability and enjoyment will play a factor, but also I want to play something that will really draw me back into the world of New Vegas and keep me exploring the Mojave long after the DLC is over.

So please vote and then post your reasoning behind doing so, even if its a personal choice rather than something based off of my preference list.

Edit: I counted GRA and CS as one due to the lower price and the fact that CS is sorta tacked on anyway.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:41 pm

Based on your criteria, I'd direct you towards Lonesome Road. Personally, I preferred Dead Money and Old World Blues.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:43 am

Don't know for the mod thing, but i'd say owb is your best bet. Good story, relatively large amount of "free" exploration, guided by a few side quests. Good gameplay (main quest is a little short). LR on the otherhand lacks a good story, but has a really good gameplay, somewhat innovative especially lowlevelled (never got more fun on any dlc than LR at lvl 16... the flare gun is my best friend).
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Hannah Barnard
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