» Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:26 pm
If you think about it, there aren't really classes in Brink. There are characters. When you create a character, you pick his body type. That determines his health, agility and what weapons he can use. You then customize his abilities, which influences what role he will excel at.
If you are a game, from what I understand, you are locked into your character choice. You can have your guy, say you named him Needles and made him a medic, switch to different equipment, but his skills stay the same, from what I understand. You are playing as Needles, you have purchased abilities/perks/whatever to make him a good Medic. If the situation arises, Needles could change his equipment to Soldier, but you made him as a medic, so he may not have a lot of the advanced Soldier abilities/perks/skills/whatever-- he may only be able to plant the charges and toss ammo.
So you plant the charge, then fight to a command post so Needles can get his medic stuff again.