My only complaints

Post » Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:14 am

First off, kudos to Obsidian on creating New Vegas (after the initial quest patches that is). Been having a blast so far with all the side quests and random encounters; just entered New Vegas last night after finally getting my Power Armor in hour 38ish.

I really only have a few major issues:
1. Armor and weapons cost a sh*tload to repair, like over 10k caps for some medium end weapons and armor (not talking about the power armor). I really don't want to have to resort to 'farming' caps from numerous runs on Black Mountain or what-have-you.
2. Armor seems to break from a swift breeze, then refer to #1.
3. Melee mobs tend to run/jump at mach speed and the proceed to gang [censored] you while you desperately try to back-peddle. Then refer to #1.

Other than that, I wubs it=)


Some minor issues:
1. I told Rex the cyberdog to wait for me in town while I went to clear out vault 11? (the one with the plants) and as I was using the elevator he mysteriously appear beside me, still waiting, but then appeared on every floor I went to.
2. Game really needs to be graphically optimized. Frame rate actually drops on my gtx480 in a few places ( New Vegas for one). The gfx tech is 2 years old so there really is no reason it should slow down. Seem to happen primarily with a lot of NPCs in view.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:05 pm

Jury Rigging, it is your best friend....seriously.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:10 am

Jury Rigging, it is your best friend....seriously.

Yeah I noticed that a few levels ago and have been jamming points into repair like mad to meet the reqs. Previously I had left it at 50 while I maxed guns, lockpick and science.
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