Since this morning I'm experiencing a major bug.
I can't join any server cause they are either full or empty. (I can join the empty ones, but they ,of course, won't start, it only says "Waiting for 5 more Players".)
Of course, I checked my filter-preferences (twice) and unchecked everything.
It worked great the day before yesterday, but today there are only approximately a hundred servers found (I remember sth. with ~1000!?) and after filtering "not full" & "not empty" there isn't just one!
This is really getting on my nose, I paid for this game, mainly for the brilliant multiplayer matches I had in the demo Version.
But now, in the full version, I cannot join servers, my limited edition Items are there one second and lost in another, my nano Crystals from the single player mode are lost everytime I load the game, and all in all there are just too many bugs which are getting too annoying.
I'm sorry for my critic, I _really_ love this game, but without the abbility to join a server, which is not full nor empty this really stinks.
Sincerly Yours,
(sorry for my bad language, it is only my lingua franka)