I have only playedfallout NV and i whant to know more about fallout 1 2 and 3, although i know the storyline for 3 i dont know anything else... Please help?!
Fallout began as a cRPG based heavily on the PnP role playing game G.U.R.P.S. (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_13:_A_GURPS_Post-Nuclear_Adventure, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haKOhyUqk4c#t=01m06s; http://retro.ign.com/articles/948/948937p1.html)
The best way to experience the series' beginnings is to play the games. [ http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/fallout & http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/fallout_2 on GoG.com ]
The second best way to grasp the main setting is to watch the first game's intro movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geLiEiAiQJA
The basic premise [then] is of an alternative Earth where the hopes and fears of the nation's pop 50's culture actually played out as reality in their future ~their fantasy became their nightmare due to some unforeseen consequences. The setting should not be overly scrutinized; It was a GURPS campaign setting; but they lost the GURPS license and had to alter the game mechanics slightly.
The first game was set in the year 2161; Starting in and underground bunker named Vault 13. The PC is a citizen, chosen to venture out into the unknown wastes in search of a complex water purification part ~from another vault, (to replace their own that quit working). The idea was to get back fast and go on with under ground life (in the vault) as usual... But it doesn't work out that way.
Fallout 2 takes place 80 years later, in a surface dwelling tribal community that is dying due to disease and harsh conditions. Their ancient lore speaks of a miracle object called a G.E.C.K.. This [machine] could transform their village into a lush paradise ~if they could find one. G.E.C.K.s were standard issue to each vault, for use upon re-emergence back into the outside world ~to kick start a settlement.
Fallout 3 takes place inside Vault 101. The PC begins as a child ~actually the player witnesses their birth ~first Person entry into the world.

The game progresses through their early life, then one day their only blood relative (their father) disappears, and they find themselves hunted by the police in their own community, and must escape to the outside world in search of their dad. FO3's overall plot borrows extensively from FO1 & FO2; Like the previous games it also centers around water.