I'd prefer useful weapon rather than the constant steaming pile of garbage vender items I got in FNV.
In FO3 base game a 10mm Pistol was quite useful for quite a long while and a worthy backup for a long time after you got a better main weapon. Of course at some point a backup 10mm gets replaced by either a unique pistol or a nice .44 Magnum.
The same isn't really true in FNV though, and I could go as far as saying that certain perks were absolutely mandatory to fully enjoy the use of all shotguns in the game...How is that fun...It isn't.
Perk name to make a shotgun viable in FNV was "Shotgun Surgeon" its very existence meant that if you even wanted to use a shotgun that the perk was mandatory without it you were basically saying that you were going to tickle your targets to death, I say that due to the damage done being extremely laughable even with point blank shots to the face when you did not have the perk. Does that sound right? No it doesn't.
Another thing I really want in Fo4 is simply to not have to carry an arsenal of 9 weapons around just to maintain being a viable combatant. How many soldier's in the field have to carry around an AR, Riffle, Pistol, frag grenades, RPG, and minigun? I'd say none.
Player should be combat viable with just a riffle and a backup weapon.
Ammo was one of those things that caused a lot of players too have to run around with a very large compliment of guns at all times in game with FNV but in Fo3 this wasn't a huge issue and no that isn't a bad thing.
Don't know how any of it will handle though don't have the game.
In all honesty for a game that is soo centric around guns you would think that the gun would be the best option for dealing with hostiles but in FNV it simply is not an ideal option. The best way to fight in FNV is simply to play as a melee combatant hands down the best due to no need for ammo which at times was uncommon or rare for your gun of choice.
There wasn't anything that a Ripper Blade that totally ignored armor value couldn't kill faster than any gun in the game....Again for a game that focuses so much on guns that isn't really acceptable.