Only like 10-15 different guns?

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:19 pm

So from past games there were about 40 different base guns and we know there will be around 50 base guns in F4. Some of the new ones I would imagine would be:
Junk Jet
Pipe Pistol/Rifle
Cryo Pistol/Rifle
Laser Musket

Have there been any other new gun reveals? Is 10-15 new guns enough? I feel like there should be a little bit more, but that's just me. What are your thoughts?

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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:11 pm

I think we've seen such little footage that we can't really make a judgement on that. Todd said there are over 50 base weapons that can be modded. This isn't taking into account any weapons that are unmoddable or unique. We've already seen new weapons and that's only been in like 10ish minutes of footage. I don't think we'll really be too short on weapons, especially with weapon crafting

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Ashley Hill
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:53 am

Definitely. They pared down the weapon list significantly from the isometric games. With all of the upgrade options available in 4, weapons seem like they're going to be viable a lot longer than they were in 3 or New Vegas. That alone will make the weapon list seem a lot longer.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:51 pm

I'd prefer useful weapon rather than the constant steaming pile of garbage vender items I got in FNV.

In FO3 base game a 10mm Pistol was quite useful for quite a long while and a worthy backup for a long time after you got a better main weapon. Of course at some point a backup 10mm gets replaced by either a unique pistol or a nice .44 Magnum.

The same isn't really true in FNV though, and I could go as far as saying that certain perks were absolutely mandatory to fully enjoy the use of all shotguns in the game...How is that fun...It isn't.

Perk name to make a shotgun viable in FNV was "Shotgun Surgeon" its very existence meant that if you even wanted to use a shotgun that the perk was mandatory without it you were basically saying that you were going to tickle your targets to death, I say that due to the damage done being extremely laughable even with point blank shots to the face when you did not have the perk. Does that sound right? No it doesn't.

Another thing I really want in Fo4 is simply to not have to carry an arsenal of 9 weapons around just to maintain being a viable combatant. How many soldier's in the field have to carry around an AR, Riffle, Pistol, frag grenades, RPG, and minigun? I'd say none.

Player should be combat viable with just a riffle and a backup weapon.

Ammo was one of those things that caused a lot of players too have to run around with a very large compliment of guns at all times in game with FNV but in Fo3 this wasn't a huge issue and no that isn't a bad thing.

Don't know how any of it will handle though don't have the game.

In all honesty for a game that is soo centric around guns you would think that the gun would be the best option for dealing with hostiles but in FNV it simply is not an ideal option. The best way to fight in FNV is simply to play as a melee combatant hands down the best due to no need for ammo which at times was uncommon or rare for your gun of choice.

There wasn't anything that a Ripper Blade that totally ignored armor value couldn't kill faster than any gun in the game....Again for a game that focuses so much on guns that isn't really acceptable.

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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:37 pm

50 base weapons * 700 weapon mods = 35,000 combinations.

even if you brought that number down to only 1%
that's 350 guns, think that's more then enough.??

Besides there is a lot m?ore to Fallout then the guns.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:29 am

Never took 'Shotgun Surgeon' and I used shotguns all the time? Usable will be objective. I didn't want to waste a perk on something that seemed perfectly usable to me. Hell if I took that perk, shotguns might be OP'd from what I'm used to.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:29 pm

Hmm, I don't think I ever had that problem. And the only "rare" ammo was the stuff for the rarer/high level guns.

(Of course, I run around in these games with 5+ weapons. Not because I'm always out of ammo, but because different tools for different jobs.)

Now, shotguns having trouble in NV's DT armor system? Yeah, that was an issue if you tried to use them against very high DT targets. (Which, again, leads to the "lots of guns for different tasks" thing. If you're trying to run around with just a shotgun, I could see it being a problem.)

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:28 am

This sounds terrible lol

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Robert Bindley
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:58 am

Melee was pretty useful in both FNV and Fo3.

I suppose my comparisons might feel like a bit of a stretch for some but bear in mind that in Fallout 3 there was not as much variety in ammo so the end result of that was at least for me that I never felt like I would be too low on ammo for a particularly favored gun. Fo3 was much easier to run around with just a riffle, pistol, grenades, and a melee weapon for close assault situations. Flame Thrower wasn't bad at times either for clearing buildings and tunnels. DT system was hard too adept too but then again DLC for Fo3 was a bear with added mobs having way too many HP.

Any way Fo4 may very well be a much improved game over the previous entries and even just watching the video's it appears to look better game play wise and the new combat features fit very well from the looks of things.

Really looking forward to getting my hands on this game.

I can say that every complaint I leveled at Fo3 and FNV were certainly addressed well with Modifications so there is that.

My experience though is that if you add too many weapon types that need their own specific ammo that keeping in the ammo is an issue.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:43 pm

Many weapons share there is no such thing as too many weapons. :banana: Even if I do prefer more caliber choices (and ammo types) anyway.

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rheanna bruining
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:51 pm

...Uh, what? You keep sharing your math but that's not how it works. Todd Howard that "We do have over 50 base weapons and over 700 modifications for those weapons" - the key wording here is that he said 700 mods for those weapons, not 700 mods for EACH weapon so 50x700=35000 is not a correct assumption at all. It also doesn't mean it's 50+700 since many mods may be exclusive to a few weapons and some may be usable for many weapons so we'll have to see how it fleshes out, but it's definitely closer to 750 than your 35,000.

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lucile davignon
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:29 pm

I understand the concern about Todd saying there's over 50 base weapons when compared to Fallout 3, but with the way Fallout 4 is doing weapon modifying weapons such as the laser rifle and laser pistol have the same "base weapon" like you can see from the E3 portion I linked above.

Also, take this into account: I just counted all of Fallout 3's non-DLC weapons (not including grenades and mines) and it's about 85. However, if you take out any weapons that could be considered modifications such as the Silenced 10mm pistol or the sawed-off shotgun, or uniques (I really don't think uniques are part of Todd's "more than 50 base weapons" mention) such as Colonel Autumn's 10mm pistol or A3-21's plasma rifle, that cuts out about 42 weapons from the 85. This leaves us with Fallout 3 having around 43 base weapons, plus there's the real possibility that not all base weapons carry over to Fallout 4 and perhaps some from NV make it too. Todd said more than 50 base weapons so that's around 51 to 59 weapons, my guess is if it was more than 60 then Todd would have said something like "60 or more base weapons". So yes, it's a real possibility that Fallout 4 only introduces a dozen new weapons or so, but that's pretty decent.

My conclusion? That's a lot of base weapons to work with, it'll be great. :) And just imagine what new weapons, mods and combinations DLCs will bring!

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:54 pm

your silly, :-p

I'm just giving a example, I know it doesn't work that way, but it is to give an idea that there are more then just 50 weapons

lets look at it from a d?different angle, 700 mods / 50 base weapons = 14 mods on average per base weapon.

50*14= 700
so it's possible to have 700 different weapons after modifications, though even if we have just 100 different weapons I think that is a nice number.
besides Fallout isn't all about the weapons. its about the world / story / cold hard humor. :fallout:???

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:03 pm

There's some 50,000 different unique weapon+mod combinations we already know about. You have to multiply the number of mods available in each slot together to get the number of combinations available. For example, if a gun had 4 slots each with 5 different mods available, then it'd have 5^4 = 625 unique weapon+mod combinations (and at least several weapons have many more mods per slot and more slots than that, like the Pipe Rifle which by itself has some 30,000 weapon+mod combos).

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:22 am

It's a shame, I was hoping they'd take a leaf out of New Vegas' book and introduce dozens of new guns, but it seems we'll have almost the same amount as there was in Fallout 3. Weapon modifications will definitely ease some of the pain though, coming up with different combinations will be very exciting.

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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:05 pm

"50 base weapons * 700 weapon mods = 35,000 combinations." = still 50 base weapons. Attaching a lasersight on your pistol doesn't make a new weapon out of it, lol.

"Besides there is a lot m?ore to Fallout then the guns." - That wasn't even question or what he was trying to say.

Why you feel so offended and personally attacked by this simple question is beyond me :unsure2:

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Alan Cutler
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:14 pm

Your pains me. You seem to think that every mod can be used for every weapon and in every mod slot. Would you put the scope where the barrel goes, or the barrel where the magazine goes, or put a laser focus where the folding stock goes? Nope. Every base weapon will only be compatible with some of those mods, such as saws can be put on a bat, a scope on a gun, an extended tank for a flamer, or a beam focus on a laser rifle - go ahead and try putting a beam focus on a baseball bat or a extended tank on a laser rifle and so on, you'll be disappointed. ;)

Where are you getting 50,000 different unique weapon+mod combinations from? haha

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:30 pm

I'm far f?rom offended, I'm just trying to make a point. that's all.
here have a cookie of friendship!!

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:37 pm

You may want to try reading my post again, as I didn't suggest anything like what you're talking about. I said you need to multiply the number of mods available in each slot together to get the total number of combinations; just like if you had three options for cheese and six options for bread you could have 18 total options for a cheese sandwich. In any case, here's a breakdown of how we can calculate the number of possibilities with just the four weapons we know something about:

Mod data comes from

Assault Rifle: 5 (Receivers) * 4 (Barrels) * 3 (Grips) * 4 (Magazines) * 6 (Scopes) * 2 (Muzzles) = 2,880 different combinations

Pipe Pistol: 4 (Receivers) * 8 (Barrels) * 6 (Grips) * 6 (Magazines) * 6 (Scopes) * 6 (Muzzles) = 41,472 different combinations

Laser Pistol: 4 (Capacitors) * 7 (Barrels) * 7 (Grips) * 6 (Scopes) * 6 (Muzzles) = 7,056 different combinations

Plasma Pistol: 1 (Capacitors) * 8 (Barrels) * 5 (Grips) * 6 (Scopes) = 240 different combinations

That's 51,648 different combinations just with these weapons. And none of those combinations assume we can stick a magazine in place of a barrel.

The only assumptions I'm making are that A. the wiki data is correct, B. except for the muzzles, which is missing the standard/no muzzle mod, and C. that altering one mod slot doesn't alter the mods available in the other mod slots.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:28 pm

Well dang, after a more detailed explanation I gladly stand corrected. The math was fuzzy to me even though I thought I understood what you were saying, but I didn't. Sorry about that! And thank you for actually explaining it further. Those numbers get huge really fast, though, holy crap.

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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:01 pm

Of course, many of those combinations will be close to functionally identical, so.... :tongue:

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:21 pm

I'm less concerned with having new types of weapons.

More concerned about having unique effects among those weapons through modding or unique versions.

Also there's only so much that can be developed. Asking for new weapons on top of all the old ones is unreasonable, something has to be cut to find the time to develop new things.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:44 pm

That wiki page is actually interesting. But the talk about "numbers" of weapons is a bit pointless. It's all based upon effects and what we get out an upgrade. It's not a new weapon, because of a mod; its a new effect against the target. All the talk of 35k weapons or whatever is little more than Borderlands style fluff. Currently the mod system seems too generic because we can't see the associated stat or effect boost in detail. Perhaps seeing it in action will completely convince me of its efficacy.

I guess what I was hoping for was something along the lines of the hunting rifle (using a Rem 700 as its model), maybe adding a high power scope, firing a .308 round...but later being able to upgrade it to something like a .300 win mag receiver group and barrel (or any long action receiver) later on so I can really reach out and touch someone with huge knock down power, as I gain more gunsmithing skill. Maybe it will work that way for other weapons than the few currently in the wiki. I suppose we'll see. Being able to make it is one thing...actually finding that .300 Win Mag in the world earlier than my ability to make it is the real thrill.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:39 pm

While the title of 10-15 different guns implies a huge exaggeration of how few guns there are in FO4, your math is a gross exaggeration the other direction. How you could even begin to think that every mod will apply to every base weapon is nonsense.

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Danial Zachery
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:45 am

For some weapons, that does seem to be how it works - for example, the Pipe Rifle can be switched from .38 to .45 ammo.

EDIT: BrotherGrimm:

And yet the number of combinations he lists is less than the number of combinations available for just one gun (the pipe pistol) that we already know about.

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