Sure, you can make godguns and do stuff like this, but then look over this here:
You're just jealous

Definitely jealous, but my ancient Dell won't run this game, so console it is.
This whole Perk every 2 level thing definitely makes character development a painful decision process, but it's probably a good thing. At the end of the day, after 3 play throughs of FO3 with different character builds (a hunter, an assassin, and criminal mastermind) I kind of had 3 of the same character, with almost the same perks and SPECIALs. There were 29 different perks to be had, and almost no reason to pass on the more useful ones. I found that there was a core group of perks that were almost essential.
With New Vegas, you're limited to 15 perks, so choosing perks that fit your build seems to be the way to go. There's still going to be some obvious must haves (educated and comprehension, I'm looking at you), but a lot of these perks are going to just be for flavor or an extra little something....not the cookie cutter uber-character recipe. I started with my normal "Ranger" character, so at level 2, the Hunter perk was a no brainer, even though I'm guessing the later stages of the game will not involve much in the way of wild animal encounters. I'll be missing out on unique dialog from the Bachelor or Lady Killer perks, but it makes better sense with my build to take something practical and thematic. I'm hoping that in the end, I'll have a character that still resembles the survivalist/loner archtype I started with, rather than the godlike superhero at the end of FO3.