i fail to see how it is broken. If you are happy, you vote on the first one. That means you are fine with it as it is.
...But i'm gonna get a lot of angry sayings about this if I don't "fix" it and It only takes a minuite, so new option added. :wink_smile:
It's just the way polls work here. You have to vote in all sections, or you can't register you vote, that's why everyone puts in an 'I already told you....' option in the second and subsequent sections.
OT, think of six character classes, with different sets of perks, not difficult, then think of a few character classes, with a lot of the perks the same. Instead of being a thief, warrior or mage, you can still do these, with a few perks in each skill, but if you want to be an illusionist, you can then play a conjurer with a different build, and have a different experience. If you could take enough perks to maximise all magic skills, all mages would end up the same.