My Only Real Disappointment with the game

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:38 pm

Now I'm thinking they didnt add magnetism for companions, just as a dumbed down auto aim feature, or somthing. Especially since we can only have one companion. With one companion, Ive never had trouble in previous ES games, hit wise. Its only when you get an entourage, stuff hits the fan.

I thought it was more for battle scenes than companions - I know that I always have trouble with fights involving 3+ friendly NPCs, with the trouble increasing with the number of friendlies. (This is in Oblivion)

I am not into balance at the expense of plausibility. If the balancing mechanic makes absolutely NO SENSE as anything other than a balancing mechanic, then it is a problem. If there is no LOGICAL gameworld explanation as to why your character cannot do thing A, or have thing B, and the ONLY reason that can be gleaned for the restriction is "balance" then it is just immersion breaking crap that favours the system over the player.

And I will generally always rank balance & gameplay over lore. Ah, well. Difference of opinion is difference of opinion. :)
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Allison C
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:39 pm

I thought it was more for battle scenes than companions - I know that I always have trouble with fights involving 3+ friendly NPCs, with the trouble increasing with the number of friendlies. (This is in Oblivion)

And I will generally always rank balance & gameplay over lore. Ah, well. Difference of opinion is difference of opinion. :)

But sometimes it goes beyond defying lore into the realm of defying logic.

I'll give an example that has come up in other threads. Telekenisis. Now, that spell in Oblivion served no constructive purpose outside of neatly arranging things in your home or living quarters. And even then, it was mainly only useful because the game didn't allow you to place things with your hands. Items just shot out of your ass when you dropped them and slid across the floor, so the telekenis let you at least put them in order.

But it could have been useful if you could have used it, say, to pull levers that were in plain sight of your character, but just out of his or her reach (say across a narrow pit, or on the other side of a set of bars). Some would say that this would make the spell overpowered and balance breaking. But any intelligent person has to ask, how is it that a spell which can lift a two-hundred pound Daedric or Ebony warhammer ten meters into the air and twirl it like a baton, is incapable of applying the 10 pounds of pressure needed to flip a switch or lever sitting ten feet away from the player/character?

The same can be said here. Why WOULDN'T a player who has become powerful and famous not be able to get a handful of followers? It strains credulity. If a restriction makes the game balanced but doesn't make ANY sense outside of a balancing argument, then it probably should not be in place.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:29 pm

But sometimes it goes beyond defying lore into the realm of defying logic.

I'll give an example that has come up in other threads. Telekenisis. Now, that spell in Oblivion served no constructive purpose outside of neatly arranging things in your home or living quarters. And even then, it was mainly only useful because the game didn't allow you to place things with your hands. Items just shot out of your ass when you dropped them and slid across the floor, so the telekenis let you at least put them in order.

But it could have been useful if you could have used it, say, to pull levers that were in plain sight of your character, but just out of his or her reach (say across a narrow pit, or on the other side of a set of bars). Some would say that this would make the spell overpowered and balance breaking. But any intelligent person has to ask, how is it that a spell which can lift a two-hundred pound Daedric or Ebony warhammer ten meters into the air and twirl it like a baton, is incapable of applying the 10 pounds of pressure needed to flip a switch or lever sitting ten feet away from the player/character?

The same can be said here. Why WOULDN'T a player who has become powerful and famous not be able to get a handful of followers? It strains credulity. If a restriction makes the game balanced but doesn't make ANY sense outside of a balancing argument, then it probably should not be in place.

Telekinesis in Oblivion was useful for throwing swords over White Gold Tower. :P

Just add some physics-based damage and magically chucking a sword at someone could be a very fun fighting style.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:26 am

Telekinesis in Oblivion was useful for throwing swords over White Gold Tower. :P

Just add some physics-based damage and magically chucking a sword at someone could be a very fun fighting style.

*Explodes* :P
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:29 pm

My disappointment? No cloaks, or so it seems.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:33 pm

You know guys, I'm not saying Skyrim is going to be terrible because it doesn't allow you to have more than one companion at a time.

There is so much positive in the game, that I won't be disappointed with the game in general. I love the dragons from what I've seen. The combat looks much improved than in Oblivion...even though you can't block in dual wielding. I mean, we can finally wield a torch as a weapon, man :biggrin: Jobs, marriage, wildlife other than just deer that won't attack you, tavern brawls, Fallout 3 styled lockpicking, improved alchemy, radiant story quests, more armor sets, better spell effects, better conversations, shouts, more environment types...etc.

I mean, I've seen posts from people saying they've lost interest in the game, so I'm just trying to keep the positivity up here.

Yes, there are some disappointments, my own included. I think Betheseda's games are much better and quality assured than most games companies expect you to shell out $60 for. But, I consider Oblivion to be a masterpiece for its time. And I am confident Skyrim will be Betheseda's crown jewel. It will certainly be better than most crap I've spent $60 on, and will give me at least 300 hours, very much possibly a lot more hours. (I mean, what else are we going to spend $60 on, 'Uncharted or Mass Effect 3? :glare: Or wait...I have a better idea...ANOTHER Call of Duty game :facepalm:
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:33 pm

Who cares this isn't a squad based game.

I do, I want members of whatever guild I am currently in to follow me, or just 2 cool npcs that I like.

just having 1 companion reminds me of :vaultboy:
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:22 am

The load times would take longer when entering a Dungeon or building with a bunch of people following you.

With, 2 or 3 companions, not really.

I'm more of a Lone Wolf, so I don't mind.
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:28 pm

I couldn't possibly care any less that I can only have one companion travelling and fighting along side me. I usually role-play more loner type characters anyway. The only thing I'm really happy about companion-wise is the addition of wives/husbands and friendship.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:17 am

doesnt effect me one bit. im on a PC FOR WINZ, so i can just change the gs and im good to go. first playthrough will mostly be solo anyways since they havent used any companions in any demos yet and im only using spells, weapons and armor that i see in the demos.
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louise fortin
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:45 pm

Honestly I dont really care,.....I probably wont bother too much with companions anyway.

I'm pretty well the same.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:02 am

cant care less bout companions....(unless its dogmeat)
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:15 pm

Haha I remember how I used to love having a group of companions in Oblivion like a D&D game. I had 1 caster/healer, 1 ranged, and myself as meele. Although I think that Dovahkiin shouldn't go with a team. Hes kinda the only hero that can save them all.

So for me, companions arent that important.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:28 pm

No it helps prevents too many NPCs from being on the screen and in your way and also prevents people from exploited them ala FO3
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:04 pm

I don't mind that you can only have one companion. Just a little disappointed that they're still opting to not try out putting depth into the companions like Bioware does. It's the biggest selling point their RPGs have against competitors like The Elder Scrolls series and I can see Bethesda easily perfecting their own version of it for themselves if they'd try it out.

-DL :chaos:
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:53 am

im a lone wolf, so i wouldnt care, even though... if i had 3 hotties follow me everywhere would make me look like a pimp, and if we go to an inn, and you know... we settled in ;) i wouldnt mind that, but companions arent that great at sneaking and helping, but i havent seen the game yet, and yea i am a lone wolf cause im gonna be a wolf (hopefully)
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:57 pm

I want only one companion, a giant genetically engineered lynx.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:28 am

A sound, lore fitting reason is given for you not being one of the gods. You don't start the game as one of them, and you aren't one. Though on the topic of becoming a god. . . well, there was that whole Shivering Isles thing.

For a powerful PC to become a cult leader, light or dark, makes perfect sense actually. I don't know how well the AI and engine could support such a thing, but it CERTAINLY would be a viable roleplaying option. It surprises me that you fail to realize this.
I don't see why you would not be able to become a Jarl, if you can muster the power to conquer their Hold and to maintain dominance.

As to the mudcrab bit. . . if there is a transfiguration spell that allows it, and you want to *cough* waste *cough* spend all of your time scuttling around as the pair of ragged claws mentioned in that T.S. Elliot poem, then I say have a wonderful time doing so.

That said, you are looking to hyperbolize. I am speaking of reasonable options, and two out of the four examples you gave don't really fall into that category. There is an enormous difference between not being able to become a god, and not being able to get two or three NPCs to follow your leadership as loyal companions.

If you are suggesting that it is fine for lots of things to be viable in the gameworld but entirely off limits to the player, maybe they should also remove the option to have swords, magic and guildmembership. And you DEFINITELY shouldn't be able to perform dragonshouts, as rare as they are supposed to be. Much more uncommon than Jarls and cult leaders.

You still don't seem to get it, so I'll distill it a little further: Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:56 pm

I had a companion in Oblivion, once.. ONCE! And it was stupid..
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:07 pm

I thought everyone here had realized to take everything from a foreign language site with a grain of salt. Even Pete stated to do so after the Spanish article. If this is true, eh, it will cut down on how massively overpowered a character gets with 2 or 3 extra swords at his back. But, there is absolutly nothing confirmed here, dont look too much into it.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:32 am

You still don't seem to get it, so I'll distill it a little further: Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.

Don't mistake me not agreeing with you to mean that I do not understanding what you are saying.

I GET what you are saying just fine. I just recognize that your arguments have employed MASSIVE amounts of strawman arguments and hyperbole.

I find some of your postulates to be without justification. There is nothing for you to distill. You believe that certain illogical restrictions are justified in and of themselves, just because and without any good or sensible explanation.

I belive that restrictions that defy both lore and logic aught to have some damned good explanations as to their justification.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:00 pm

My only companion is a dog. :disguise:
No, I ain't no dissapoint.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:35 am

I probably wont even have any companions but I do agree that you should be able to have at least two (2) companions at a time. It isn't anything near game-breaking though and if you feel it is I feel sorry for you.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:30 am

well play oblivion if u want more than one companion B)
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anna ley
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:01 am

Don't mistake me not agreeing with you to mean that I do not understanding what you are saying.

I GET what you are saying just fine. I just recognize that your arguments have employed MASSIVE amounts of strawman arguments and hyperbole.

I find some of your postulates to be without justification. There is nothing for you to distill. You believe that certain illogical restrictions are justified in and of themselves, just because and without any good or sensible explanation.

I belive that restrictions that defy both lore and logic aught to have some damned good explanations as to their justification.

We disagree on what is logical or illogical. Agreeing to disagree there.

You clearly feel strongly about having more than one meaningful companion, which is great, but we didn't have those same meaningful companions in previous titles so the point is moot. You're getting something, but you want more of it--without having experienced it to begin with. The developers have hinted that we only get one (emphasis on hint because we can only extrapolate from what little information was given us), but one could argue that Pete's use of "right now" might signify that more companions are planned between now and release--and/or possibly after.

This isn't debate team, so there's no need to throw around vocabulary words like strawman or hyperbole. I could take the time to sit down and give you a well thought out logical argument, but that sort of defeats the purpose of enjoying a lively discussion on a gaming forum. If you don't like my arguments, that's fine, but there's no need to nanny me on argumentative logic.

I'm curious however. Do technical limitations count for you? Perhaps the argument that some things are trumped by better gaming?
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