I feel like Bethesda are really trying to put werewolves in this time. Like others have said, for things like mark and recall, levitation, spears, etc. They gave a straight "no". They are putting off werewolf confirmation (or denial) because they are trying to put them in, but aren't sure it'll work out yet. Or they are in and they really want it to be a surprise.
I think it will end up being a DLC.
It seems like they have set a very high bar for character designs and animations, so it's a lot of work for the devs to make believable werewolf character designs and attack animations, etc., which is a lot more complex than vampires. The complexity of that might be more appropriate for an expansion pack. And from a marketing standpoint, who wouldn't pay to buy a werewolf DLC??
Or maybe they have been testing them out, but aren't 100% decided, and will only announce it if and when they determine it really works within the game.