I think it will end up being a DLC.
It seems like they have set a very high bar for character designs and animations, so it's a lot of work for the devs to make believable werewolf character designs and attack animations, etc., which is a lot more complex than vampires. The complexity of that might be more appropriate for an expansion pack. And from a marketing standpoint, who wouldn't pay to buy a werewolf DLC??
Or maybe they have been testing them out, but aren't 100% decided, and will only announce it if and when they determine it really works within the game.
I posted something very similar in the V&W thread. The way the answer was worded gave me the impression that the content exists in some form...
You have got to be the most ignorant, selfish person I have ever seen on these forums...
As the most ignorant, selfish person on these forums, I find it quite vexing that you'd so blithely grant my title to another. :verymad: