Only 2 things I'm truly hopeful for in FO4

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:39 am

1st person body -- I know the most impossible thing to find in a game with 1st person. I'm sure someone genius will mod it in tho.

But I think we all know why it would be wanted -- pretty obvious. You look down and ---- instant immersion break! Haha!

Pistol Duel wielding -- Kinda obvious why, yeah?

It's just one of those 'badass' things everyone generally has fun with, right!

Even if it's not your thing/play-style It's just kinda kool, you know?

I mean -- why have Pistols and hand guns if you can't waste a million bullets by wielding two at a time? Amirite?

But I get the feeling neither will happen... figure it'd be fun to talk about, yeh? :3

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kelly thomson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:09 pm

I've always found 1st person bodies to be vaguely nauseating. Like, something about the scale or foreshortening is uncanny.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:34 am

I'll bet good money on at least one person comes in here saying that having a first person body is a waste and contributes nothing to the game. Funny thing is that I used to be one of those people who didn't see a purpose for it, at least until I downloaded a mod for Skyrim which allowed me to ride my horse in first person mode. This mod also allows you to walk down the road and look down and see your body in first person, as well as while in werewolf form (IIRC) Let me tell you, it does add to the game, sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference in game.

As for dual wielding pistols, if it were in game, I would hope it was only as a perk (or trait). It should only be included if it came real drawbacks such as accuracy and reloading times taking a large hit, but increasing the rate of fire, and thus having a better chance of a critical hit the times you do hit your target.

But in reality, dual wielding isn't very effective. That's not to say it can't be done without lots and lots of practice, it's just not a very effective method of arming yourself.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:18 am

But triple wielding is extremely effective.

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Amy Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:05 pm

Actually -- it being a perk was exactly what I had in mind! -- As for a toll on accuracy well -- that's why I said "waste a million bullets". XD

It's not efficient -- It's merely for flare -- something exciting -- like the old Finesse trait from fallout 1-2.

It made you do less damage, but you got higher chances for crits. Perhaps DW Pistol weilding would be about the same in some way.

In that it may do more damage but you have a lower accuracy when firing in DW mode.

OR at the very least be able to DW daggers and knives. Since I've always felt incredibly silly//stupid just hold one knife and poking a guy with it. Lol

And I also use that FPS body mod in Skyrim. It's what made me hope it'd be modded into FO4.

Since the devs probably won't be doing it. But I suppose the DW Perk could be modded in as well I'm sure.

Since the modding community surround most Bethesda games are -- AMAZING!

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claire ley
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:48 am

Please explain to me.. I'm not being a smart ass.

I would just like to know..


Looking down in first person is so important...

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jessica robson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:47 am

That's really funny, because I use the same mod and I disabled those features. Horseback riding is just that I prefer having the peripheral vision, but lycanthropy seriously needs custom first-person animations in order to fee right, as it is in the mod it's really awkward. That doesn't have much to do with seeing your body in first person, though, does it? That's more about having animations and modes that don't pull you into third-person. I do like seeing most of the crafting and idle animations in first-person, though, especially looking into a Black Book, but sometimes the mod completely vindicates Bethesda's decision to pull you into third person.

All in all, I do like having the first-person body (especially the way Enhanced Camera does it), but I won't be too miffed if it's not in by default in Fallout 4, and I'm not really expecting it.

I'm not really counting on dual-wielding either. Or even being able to hold guns left-handed. It would be a mess for the animations, especially reloading - it seems like weapons were all designed with the magazine on the left side, so that we can always reload with the left hand. Flipping that around (or dual-wielding) would really make that awkward.

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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:00 am

View the damage to the new pair of Boots caused by that Guar!

To see items added by Mods to Our character :angel:

I would like to see the ability to use dual wielded pistols accurately on a single target based off of a combination of Strength and Agility.

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leigh stewart
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:46 am

But this is one reason we have third person!
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Harry Leon
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:18 am

Aa for 1st-person camera, I'm sure as heck gonna get the FO4 version of the Enhanced Camera mod. I just love those small touches.

As for dual-wielding, I don't think I'd ever actually take advantage of it - and I imagine modding that in would be a nightmare. Would require custom animations and everything.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:01 am

Yeah, I've always thought it looks super awkward. The whole "gotta have FPBody" just seems so strange to me. :shrug:

(probably helps that I've been playing FPS's for decades, so I'm completely used to not seeing a body. The "but I'm just a camera with forearms!" complaint has never been a problem. I don't need to see legs to know there's a character.)

edit: heh, I can only imagine what that Skyrim camera mod is like with some of the super-exaggerated body mods. You'd still never see your legs. And with bouncing animations! :rofl: )

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louise tagg
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:02 pm

First person body is something that does add a lot. I'm hoping they will include it.

Little things like that do add up.

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saharen beauty
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:16 am

...hmm, I wonder how easy it would be to mod out.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:37 am

I had to remove the mod right away when I tried it, for some reason it got be very nauseous as well and got really dizzy that I had to lay down for a bit, it was something about the camera movement.

You won't be able to see in front of you with all the bouncing either, pretty sure getting a concussion due to blunt force head trauma is normal with those...exaggerated body mods..

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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:25 am

Dual wielding would be pretty fun. It's an action RPG, so go nuts.

What I would love to see, more than anything, is support for multi-monitor setups. Bethesda makes some of the most beautiful landscapes and amazing enviroments. This would be greatly enhanced by the use of eyefinity/surround.

Also: how involved will the tactics be? Can you command allies to take cover or is it still going to be a "rush in and kill!" type thing?

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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:09 am

Actually, having a first person body would BE the immersion break.

No duel wielding guns, either, as it is totally silly, Hollywood notwithstanding.

What we need is character visual aesthetics that enable an empathic bond (won't happen without mods, unfortunately).

The world context also needs to match PC creation and development (i.e., pretty much regardless of creation and development preferences, the context and available rewards need to be there or there's no point). This remains to be seen.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:41 pm

Having a first person view similar to Mount & Blade and Arma would be nice, or even if it was just a pair of legs like Halo used to do. Can't say I have any interest in the dual wielding pistols though. It would make a gunslinger character an interesting thing to try.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:52 am

First person body would be nice and immersive.BUT it is one hell of a work to make both look good and work good.Basically if you have 3rdP model with all the amination sets you can link a camera to the head of the character, but the camera will follow every and each micro movement of the character's animation with the result of discomfort and, worst case, making you feel dizzy and throw up.In real life your brain compensate those movements and you won't feel, IE, head bobbing.So you would have to make 1 set of animations for each POV, MOCAP is really expensive, or code the logic to make movements smoother, maybe change the animations a bit, cheaper but still difficult.So while having 1st person body is great it takes some effort to make it right. that's why most games have only one of them and still in first person there's only the arms with some simple camera movement.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:35 pm

As someone who received hand-to-hand knife fighting training in the military, I can tell you that dual-wielding knifes is just as useless as dual-wielding pistols.

You are FAR less effective with two knives than one - an empty hand is essential for blocking, locking an opponent's arm, and grappling while you stab with your dominant hand. All having an extra knife is going to do for you is increase the chance you get stabbed - probably with one of your own knives.

Look, dual-wielding is NOT a good idea. Have you ever tried to pat your head with one hand and rub your stomach in a circle with the other? The human brain is NOT great using both hands at once in any kind of complicated fashion.

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Ann Church
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:44 pm

I have. While it's not easy to do, and wouldn't recommend it as an every day activity (besides the fact that you'd look silly as [censored] doing it), it is possible to do with enough concentration and practice, much like dual wielding is.

But again, it is far from ideal, and TBH, I would think the vast majority of people wouldn't be capable of dual wielding anything (be it knives or guns) with any amount of continued success. But this ain't real life, and it does appear there are people who do want to have this in game. Personally, I just don't care whether it is or isn't, nobody would be forcing me to do it anyway.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:36 am

I do that in third person.

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Christina Trayler
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:35 am

It isn't outside of platformig, because without being able to judge where your feet are in relation to your camera head, you're always taking a leap of faith. BUT a.) there isn't much platforming in Fallout and b.) First-Person platforming has largely fallen out of favor for this exact reason (hence why Mirrors Edge wasn't as good as it should have been).
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:16 am

Ok, now I'm sold. I have to try this just for the comedy factor.

"As you start to sprint, a massive chainmail-clad teat flies up to smash you in the face, obscuring your vision."

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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:29 am

What do you mean by that exactly? Better customisation or just less blank-faced? I found the personality of my characters seemed much more evident once mods meant I was able to give them a sarcastically raised eyebrow or a smug grin.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:58 am

Went through the most recent "first person" games I've been playing. Borderlands:TPS, no feet. But it turned out that Dead Island actually has visible feet.... just barely. Mght be a function of the tiny console-based FOV, but you can just see your feet and shins a bit, when looking straight down. No wonder I'd never noticed it before.

...and yeah, it mostly looked odd to me. Don't see the attraction/need. :shrug:

Personally, I think that an actual FOV slider in the graphics options is much higher on the "I really hope they added...." scale than feet & dual-wield. :tongue:

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