Does it just skip all the updates? Or does it somehow catch up with itself? Or does it handle it all nicely and I'm just barking up the wrong tree here?
Reason I ask is I've just done a Beta release of my Wolf Follower mod, and a few of the users are reporting back that the mod works correctly to begin with and then...meh!
There is a hunger and a growth system that both rely on militarily orchestrated OnUpdateGametime() events to continue running, if one link in the chain gets missed, then it won't continue on.
I'm following the current best practices of only registering for single updates and always having a "shut down" plan. But I havnt come accross any examples of failsafes for missed updates yet so I didn't think about it until the crap hit the fan with users of the mod reporting it "just stopping".
The mod is already dependent on SKSE, so if somebody out there is already thinking of a solution, you've got the whole function pallet to work with
- Hypno