I'm curious about something. Can you give me the results of these console commands?
GetGameSetting fMagickaReturnBase
GetGameSetting fMagickaReturnMult
GetGameSetting fNPCBaseMagickaMult
fMagickaReturnBase = 0.40
fMagickaReturnMult = 0.05
fNPCBaseMagickaMult = 1.50
The problem is you cannot deal enough damage quick enough.
I don't see it that way, seeing as one little Goblin Shaman was able to take on both the player, and an imperial legion patrolman. I'd need a magic resistance of at least 50, just to stand a chance of surviving. It doesn't feel fair, for magic using npcs to have such an advantage over non-magic npcs, and an advantage over the player, whether they are highly skilled magic user or not. (No matter how much magicka reserves the player has, he or she can't cast spells to infinity)
A player character, just starting out, doesn't have the resources to get high-level enchantments and items, just to defeat one little spellcaster, unless you want to cheat, which is basically what the NPCs are with unlimited magicka. I could take on an enemy twice my level, easily, if I had a few good spells, and unlimited magicka. This is a balance issue, plain and simple; it's also an issue of the game being fun, or not being fun. To me, just because an enemy has magic spells, doesn't mean they should be a high-level boss.
Why would the Mages Guild even have BattleMages, with a sword, and armor, if their magical abilities were so powerful? They wouldn't need to use that sword, ever, since a single destruction spell of average strength can to multitudes more than a single melee weapon of average strength. Magic would also have another advantage, they would never, ever, tire, unlike a sword-wielding person.
A better weapon with extra magic damage may do the trick. I use Phitts Phiting fixes to deal double damage so I can dispatch them quicker.
I was already using a sword with an enchantment that doubled the damage dealt on each strike. Although, I have doubts as to how effective this enchantment was, since the Goblin Shaman seemed to resist over half the shocks from the sword. (Flashed purple, half of the time I hit)