Oooo! not marked on the map .......

Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:25 pm

So I decided to try and get some Lakelurk meat (don't ask :whistling: ) so I fast travelled to Blue Paradise Rental Vacations (bottom right of the map if youse don't know) 'cos I remember from a previous game there were some there. Killed those (4 or 5 IIRC) then saw that there was a boom across the river made of barrels, curious, I took a swim and found it does block off further passage - figured it did heh!. Anyhow I wsa on the other side so I nosed around ..... and found a shallpw cave with 2 corpses and kit bags (prospectors IIRC ) fairly mundane loot but then turned left and carried on. A lot of swimming untill I eventually found I could climb out and carry on along the coastline. Came across a fair few Pinto plants until I found 5 deathclaws, killed them and carried on. shortley after ..... Hoo boy! then 2 Mother DClaw an Alpha Male and 5 young ones ALL AT ONCE (OK I'm on a PC so I used the Console Commands :blush2: ) after they were dead I looked around and found 2 more prospector corpses on which I found

a T-51 Helm, T-51 Armour, A Remants Armour, 2 Combat Helmets (on one corpse) and a Mutiplas rifle plus relevant ammo and sundry bits :tops:

Continued and found a shallow cave at the waterline with several Lakelurks AND 3 LLurk Egg clusters from which I got 3 eggs .... for The Thorn I guess :hehe:
Carried on until I got to the Hover Dam (rather the boom across the river before the damn Dam LoL) went back on the other side passing Cottonwood Cove untill I reached Blue Paradise agin nothing on that side.

Anyway thought I'd just share :wave:
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:51 pm

Thanks for your tale of adventure and you should ignore the naysayers who are sure to come. I haven't explored much of that area and it sounds like I'll have to go in there ready for quite a fight. My character may have a phobia of deathclaws. :sweat:
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:16 am

I had heard that there was a place with lots of deathclaws and fitting rewards at one point, though I've never found it myself, but that might just be because I haven't done that much exploring in that area yet.

While there are those who criticize New Vegas for lacking much in the way of interesting locations out in the wasteland, you can still find some worthwhile things if you look in the right places, it's just that they tend to be overshadowed by small random shacks with no one living in them and the only remarkable thing in them a star bottle cap.
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