On my install with OOO/MMM and with my FCOM one there seems to be this integrated feature where the containers actually open up when you access them.
I find it very annoying, especially in my character's homes where it just looks really bad and messy to have all the cupboards and dressers open all the time.
Harvest containers You can disable container animations using the Oblivion console (in OOO 1.32 RC3 or later). There are several options for this:
Turn off HC for player house containers: Set OOOHCPlayerHouse to 0 Turn off HC for chests, cupboards, desks, drawers and lecterns: Set OOOHC to 0 Turn off HC for barrels and crates: Set OOOHCBarrelsAndCrates to 0 Turn off HC for sacks: Set OOOHCSacks to 0
Also you can close containers by activating them in sneak mode.