With that said, I would like to address a few things both good and bad that I noticed while playing. Read for your own pleasure -
-Companions are unique and entertaining and don't get lost!
-Enemies Respawn to keep the wasteland feeling alive
-Legendary creatures and Legendary loot
-Settlements are amazing, best feature of the game Imo
-Map icon diversity
-Hud and Pip Boy color change
-All crafting is fun and full of diversity
-The difficulty gradient with map distance from sanctuary
-Voice acting is never better
-Graphics update looks sharp
-Historic Landmark use was integrated smoothly
-Loading times are shorter
-Quest animations were very well done
-Weather feels real
-Npcs point you to new areas through passing talk
-Loot is plentiful and so are enemies
-Dialog complexity and lack of diversity in conversational outcome
-Optional quest endings and quest branches
- Settlements feel a bit light as far as the objects you can build with
-Hacking and lock picking seem to be redundant because you provide two ways in to every door.
-Lack of secret map treasures that reward you for exploring, such as underwater crashed planes and mountain caves
-Radio music was recycled and bland, newly added songs are bad and you can tell they are recently made
-Diamond city radio guy was more interesting when he was timid.
-PLEASE FIX THE SINKING OBJECT SYNDROME FOR SETTLEMENTS!! I have spent hours carefully placing objects on shelves and tables and floors only to find they sink into the ground or worse disappear...
- The central Boston area is a mess and I often find myself going in circles. Was mazelike what you were going for?
- Companion dialog loop ever time I see them
- Lack of random encounters
-Lack of oddities and strange characters. There are a lot of vanilla characters called settlers.
-Where did wild wild wasteland go?

With all that, thank you for your tremendous effort on this title, we all appreciate your continuous efforts to bring us great games like this. I look forward to all the DLC
And if you could please patch the sinking item syndrome... My settlements can live again.
All the rest of your gamers let me know what you think about my list of good and bad