Back by popular willful ignorance of umpteen pages of how this game misses the mark:
My concerns about gameplay:
1. Leveling is too fast and not truly synchronized with difficulty slider
2. Overpowered companions you can't issue basic commands to (Ex. The only current companion option is "Charge the enemy every time")
3. Spells: Some overpowered, some useless
4. Difficulty scale not truly reflective of "in-game" difficulty. When companions are used, difficulty becomes more unbalanced in players favor
5. Broken quests
Fair enough? Yes it is.
Nuff said.
I - dont start by saying 'by popular willful ignorance', as the only thing clear enough in your post was its vagueness. If you're new here, then believe me that ppl have actually been more polite than usual.
II - now for your concerns:
1) they will answer "up the difficulty slider". Even so, the leveling sys is that the more u use skills, the faster / easier u level. if u cast lots of Conjuration, theres nothing BEth can do about the difficulty;
2) IMO Beth probably has difficulties about companions, as her games are always directed to singl-player / combat approach. Whcih would explain why companions would basically act like berserkers (I agree they shouldnt);
3) Be specific; Which are which and why? There are numerous threads showing, e.g., how Destruction spells can be really, err, destructive!
4) Obviously - a companion (battle-designed ones) should make combat easier...
5) Again - which ones? Why do you think they are broken?
Without help from you on clarifying what you wanna know, you'll get NO help from Beth. Man, they have 30,000+ topics to check...