» Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:27 pm
I think your a whiney bich who has to much time on her hands....
calm down, this guy obviously cares about the condition of the game.
I agree man its ridiculous but Crytek is never going to see this, they know theyre gonna make more money this way and sadly thats how the world works.
What do you mean "calm down" $60 times X amount of people who bought this POS game is class action lawsuit waiting to happen.
As for "how this world works", well you can sue anyone now a days but at least back in the day the law would protect you from bait and switch at a car dealership, promise one thing and deliver another. I'm no legal expert but this could be the case for Crysis 2. At least you could get your money back if you were bamboozled at a car lot.
And when you say that's "how the world works" then you my friend need to look up the meaning of liberty in fact I have it here
Liberty - is a concept in political philosophy that identifies the condition in which human beings are able to govern themselves, to behave according to their own free will, and take responsibility for their actions.
So far there is no legal president for a game company to take "responsibility for their actions" but this game may make some developers consider this before releasing games because this may just go to court if they don't deliver on their promises.
And I thought that Dragon age 2 was bad, Crysis 2 is worse.
I give this game a 1 out of 10 because of:
-Graphics, sorry DX9 doesn't cut it for me anymore this is 2011 not 2001
-Audio, nothing is in surround its all mono with a stereo overlay (I do audio encoding I know this trick, it works well with you tube but not games)
-AI, ah if you haven't noticed they are all supermen and have xray vision, super sight and, remarkable hearing, seriously the silencer does nothing 10 feet or 100 feet away. Oh yeah and they can see you behind cover on roof tops.
-Interface, console port not a PC game like Crysis 1, need I say more?
-Bugs, there are less bugs in a 50 gallon barrel full of bugs (have you tried putting in your serial code? nuff said) I could spend all day listing the bugs I see, I have mentioned a few. But I don't need to spend more typing than what it took for me to file my taxes from last year, so I won't.
-Bugs online. Well lets just say that the online play is 10X worse than the SP mode.
Over all this game is not worth $60 for this release, in 18 months it might be but by then only console gaming stores will keep the prices high for this game. If your reading this for a first time, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME NEW YET. Wait until Crytek at least try's to acknowledge our complaints, then wait at least another 6 months for them to fix them. This could be at least a year from now or until the next full solar eclipse.
Either way I stress DO NOT BUY THIS GAME NEW YET!!!
$60 isn't worth a flawed game such as this. Maybe $30, more like $20.