Borss, you certainly beat me to it on the insults and you clearly didn't even read it. "Whiny bich" was your opening comment - you're in no position to start pointing fingers here.
I even said in the message that I'd pre-ordered it. I have the game and I've completed the single player campaign. I'm now trying (somewhat fruitlessly) to play some Multiplayer. I enjoyed the Demo MP a lot (while it lasted).
Don't get me wrong I still enjoy the game - but that doesn't make it any less a disappointment.
But of course - feel free to discuss my own behaviour and motives instead of having a sensible discussion about the points I've made. We wouldn't want to lose focus would we?

I did read it. I insulted you because there's a hundred other threads biching about the SAME EXACT THINGS! They've been discussed a thousand times already on these forums in the last few days. You should have posted in an existing topic, instead of spamming up the forums some more. I get that you're disappointed and that's fine, but try to be civil toward Crytek instead of calling the game a fail (Which you said you like the game so you're either trying to start trouble or you're retarded. ) If I were Crytek and reading all of the hate on these boards, I'd be like **** you and leave it as is, bugs and all. No wonder they're gravitating towards consoles. If there's one thing we can take from all of this, it's that PC Gamers are rude, obnoxious, self important assholes.
Oh and by the way... Next time don't ask for opinions if you can't take the truth. And the MP works fine for me. Take some personal responsibility and maintain your network.