Open Letter to Mr. Todd Howard...and the evil minions who worked on Fallout 4
Dear Mr. Howard,
You have destroyed my social life!
From the very beginning of this so called ridiculous hype train, that is the release of Fallout 4, I could see that I would be losing most of my friends. ? Way back on June 14th 2015 when you openly displayed Fallout 4 at the E-3 conference, and gave a rousing 30 minute speech and demonstration of your sinister plan to control me and my friends through your game, I knew the end was near.
I belong to a guild that plays games across all platforms and many genres, and we have played together for many years building and developing very meaningful relationships. I have praised them many times for the help they have given me, not only in games but in real life as well. You have twisted their minds sir, and led them to make outlandish claims. One even suggested that he would simply move his gaming system into the kitchen that has an attached ? bathroom. When asked where he would sleep, his laughing reply was, "In my gaming chair of course". I don’t expect to hear from him again anytime soon.
? Others have begun stockpiling energy drinks, easy to make microwave meals, (hotpockets) and even installing small refrigerators next to their systems. Pizza restaurants, as well as all manner of fast food delivery systems, have been placed on speed dial. Nutrition has been cast by the wayside, I can just see boxes of sugarbombs being devoured to hold them over for one more hour of game play. Wouldn’t you rather have a healthy world of devoted followers, instead of masses of ghoul like gamers hyped up on Nuka Cola?
?I can only compare you, Mr. Howard, to Thulsa Doom sitting in his mountain of power, that is Bethesda, surrounded by the priests and of course Rexor and Thorgrim whom are obviously your development leaders. Throngs of mindless followers surround your mountain scrambling at the bread crumbs of information that your priests distribute. Blinded in their new robes, the followers eagerly and proudly sing your praises.
? Months have passed since the E-3 show and I had hoped that the constant noise of Fallout 4 would somehow become silent, I was mistaken. My own daughter has fallen under your spell Mr. Howard, she has pointed out that Christmas is just around the corner and her birthday not far behind, all the while sending me links to the official Fallout 4 store.
Thankfully the pip-boy addition and other collectibles were sold out or I would be poor as well as friendless. She and others have constantly referred me to every scrap of information, Tweet, and YouTube video that Bethesda has published. I’ve watched more anolysis videos then I care to remember. Every podcast and video maker has been trying to gleam tidbits of information of what could be in Fallout 4.
? It has been said that hundreds of hours of game play will be required. “I’ve played the game probably 400 hours, and I’m still finding stuff that I haven’t seen yet,” lead producer Jeff Gardiner said during an E3 2015 roundtable reported by gamesradar. The vastness of the game was anolyzed by the Vault-Tec Blog and they say the map is double the size of Skyrim's. 111,000 plus lines of dialog as per this tweet, and a settlement crafting system so you can build your very own base of operations from which to explore the wastelands. ?Oh and lets not ever forget there is no level cap, and even after the story is complete one can continue to play. How many hours can a human really survive without sunlight? I can just hear the news reports now, thousands of people have been placed in hospital with calcium deficiency due to lack of vitamin D.
?You, Mr. Howard, and your entire team of Fallout 4 are simply maniacal, sadistic, torturer specialists ruining social interaction between friends, ?and...we love you for it.
Sincerely A blurry eyed, malnourished, sleep depraved, happy, yet lonely gamer.