Anyways, for the people on these forums, you should be very excited right now. If you didn't realize it by now, this project is going to surpass all the capabilities of Bethesda's vanilla game, and anything that MGE, MWSE, or MCP could hope to achieve.
OpenMW is coming people, faster than you may think!
Yup, that's the plan

We've had great progress lately, especially with the terrain part nearly finished. But I hope people don't get _too_ high expectations about how fast this will all go though. If I was rich I could work on this full time, but as long as I'm not things might take some time still

I think Nicolay = tbrick... not sure 100%
That's 100% correct. I've done most of the coding so far. Yacoby has made the terrain engine, which I'm now working on putting into the main engine. He's done a great job at it and I definitely couldn't have done that myself. Others have sent in smaller patches and fixes, along with a ton of suggestions which I hope keep coming in here and on the mailing list.
Even though I have a plethora of questions regarding OpenMW, I'll ask this one: When OpenMW is fully completed, will it be able to look and perform like Crysis Warhead?
Hard to say. The OGRE engine, which we're using, probably isn't as powerful as the state of the art commercial engines like Crysis, but it keeps evolving. Plus you'd need new textures, meshes and special effects to keep up with a modern game of course (but a lot of MW mods already do that.) I'm pretty sure we could match Oblivion graphics at some point though. Hey, maybe when OpenMW is done we'll do OpenOB as an encore