Operation: Dragon's Reach

Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:44 am

Ch.9: What We're Good For

"ATTENTION!", screamed the drill sergent.

In perfect synchronization, Tao and the other soldiers stood straight with eyes forward. It was second nature to them all. Not even the bone chilling cold, dulled their efficiency of it.

"Comrades, you are all here because you are best suited for the role of translator. Most of you are a pathetic excuse for soldiers in this Peoples Army. Prehaps the only useful thing about you, is the fact your brains can comprehend the borish language of our enemy. Now in what way do you think the Peoples Liberation Army can use that skill?"

One of the soldiers in the group raised his hand and began to shout. "We can intercept enemy transmissions and retrieve intelligence for the utilization of our tacticians, sir!"

"That is correct soldier! However, the translator has a role on the field aswell. A role distinct to the expeditionary forces."

Everyone was silent. No one knew what else their language skills could be applied to. Though knowing the army, they would find a way to get them killed.

"Depending on the circumstances, the translator can be the second most important person in the unit. Translators are the key to exploiting a grave weakness in our American enemies."

Catiously, Tao asked what was on everyone's mind. "What is this weakness, sir?"

"Americans operate under the misconception that our soldiers have no grasp of the English language. In 65% of our encounters with the enemy, they have verbally expressed their battle plans within earshot of our soldiers. Even when the option of handsigns was available. A translator is also a vital part of capturing and interrogating prisoners in the heat of battle. Additionally, a translator is needed for a unit to cooperate with the Canadian Resistance."

The drill sergent continued on like this for quite sometime. Adding the typical propaganda wherever possible. And at some point in his ranting, he came to a topic of significance again.

"Your standard armament will be a bolt-action rifle, and a hand pistol. This is noteably different from standard infantry units, who are armed with assualt rifles. Because these bolt-actions use a different type of bullet than most others in our arsenal, it is not used as much as 5.56mm bullets. Meaning less rationing of ammunition for this particular weapon. However, the lack of usage by our soldiers means that the ammo will be that much harder to find in the field. Familiarize yourself with this weapon, and it will serve you, and our nation,well."
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how solid
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:19 pm

Sorry guys. I know I haven't been posting. I'll start working on the next chapter in a few days. I've just been buried in work lately. No one told me college would be so hard :shakehead:
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:59 am

Okay...I know I havent posted in quite sometime, but I've started writing again. I just have one problem. Once again I call upon you for help with coming up with Chinese names. Once I get a few more names, I'll be ready with a few more chapters in no time. I would really appreciate it. Thank you. :hugs:
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:52 am

Wow...I haven't posted on this story in a whole month.

I've been so busy with college and The Crusader that I sorta just stopped writing. I'm reluctant to say I've buried this story. I had a lot of fun with it for a while. I still have the next chapter half-written in my folder right now.

*5 minutes of thinking later* (No seriously, I actually just stared into the screen for five minutes debating with myself)

I just wanted to post this to let my readers know(if you're still around) that I just might start updating this story again. The Crusader will still be my main focus, but I'll put a little time aside to daydream about this story too. :lol:

P.S. My taiwanese friend showed me a website that will provide all the Chinese names I will ever need for this story. The funny thing is, my guesses were actually really close to being authentic.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:15 am

Wow...I haven't posted on this story in a whole month.

I've been so busy with college and The Crusader that I sorta just stopped writing. I'm reluctant to say I've buried this story. I had a lot of fun with it for a while. I still have the next chapter half-written in my folder right now.

*5 minutes of thinking later* (No seriously, I actually just stared into the screen for five minutes debating with myself)

I just wanted to post this to let my readers know(if you're still around) that I just might start updating this story again. The Crusader will still be my main focus, but I'll put a little time aside to daydream about this story too. :lol:

P.S. My taiwanese friend showed me a website that will provide all the Chinese names I will ever need for this story. The funny thing is, my guesses were actually really close to being authentic.

Dude, I'm honestly expecting to have a PTSD episode from where this is going. Keep up the awesome work. I'll get with you down the road, once I'm finished with my http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1056873 story, I was thinking of doing one on the Chinese or Alaskan front, from the American Point of view. I started one, but halfway into it I played through the fallouts again and realised my timeline was horribly off. Not to overshadow your awesome story, but here's a small excerpt:

How long has it been? How long since the world ended?

These questions plague my mind as I lay here, in this dimly lit bunker of safety whilst my brothers fight and die outside it. I cannot move, as the restraints are too tight. The doctors refuse to remove them, for fear that I will make another attempt to join those outside.

I dictate this to my only comfort, my always faithful computer implant. In the years since it was installed, I have yet to have it fail on me, much unlike my broken body.

The doctors say I have six broken bones, one of which punctured a lung. Of course, most people would be dead after being in a nuclear blast. My armor, which now lies in decontamination, is the only reason I am still alive. Many of my brothers are not, but yet those alive still fight. Except for me.

Since I doubt I will ever return to my friends, I shall tell my tale, and hope that in the future, if there is one for mankind, someone will honor their bravery and sacrifice.

It all began that fateful morning in the spring of 2056?

It then goes on to basic training, and what not. I spent the last 8 years in the US Army Infantry (10th Mountain Division), so I have a good experience base to go off of. If you need any technical or tactical advice, just drop me a line.
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:23 pm

Wow! Okay thanks! :lol:

I'll take you up on that offer whenever I need to.
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Jessica White
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:06 am

Ah excellent! Good to see this fan-fic getting updated again! Now when can we expect the next chapter?
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:01 pm

Need more story.

I really just posted this because all my E-mail notifications expired, and this needs to be brought to the front again. A good story like this shouldn't be pushed to the back. Plus the RP threads are taking over. Need more Fan Fic!

Also, reading other stories helps me write. No I don't steal ideas, but its getting a little hard to write what I want to say. Its wierd, I know where I want to go, but getting there is like climbing Everest, and I'm stuck on a cliff right now.
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:00 pm

Hey its not weird at all, I know exactly what you're saying.

Dont you worry a new chapter is already down on paper, but its a short one. I haven't written for this story in quite some time, so I'm easng back into it. The next chapter will be up either tonight or tomorrow.
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:38 am

Ch.10: A Bad Dream

"My dearest sister. I have recieved all your letters at this point. The Bering Sea opening up has made the transfer of troops and mail smoother. I read a letter dated two weeks ago which I assumed was your most recent. I'm glad the ceremony went off okay. At first I was suprised you had the wedding so soon after your engagement, but then I relized that there wasn't much to plan. If you're lucky, you could be approved to move in with him in three months. I would very much like to see my new family when I get home.

I assume you haven't told mother about my transfer. She would have written something by now if she did know. I understand why you wouldn't tell her. We almost lost her when father died, and that kind old woman doesn't need to fear her only son dieing too. Shing Li, I leave the decision to you. Its your right as my older sister.

Things haven't been all bad here. I've met most of my unit already, and gotten to know some of them. Our luitenient is going to be a man named Ji Hoo Yeung. He's a Korean who fought for our government in the annexation of his country. I haven't really talked to him much, he keeps to himself. We also have a sniper attached to our unit. Her name is Qiao Fan. I've been hearing a lot of weird rumors about her, but its not like we'll be togrther much. I mean, she's a sniper aster all.

One guy I'm getting along with is Feng Lei. Yeah, I'm actually making a friend. This guy has some crazy stories. He's one of our sub-machine gunners, so I'll be sticking close to him on the field. The tech-"

A bullet hole had suddenly shot through the paper. Tao looked out his foxhole and saw several American soldiers firing on his position. He pulled out his rifle and opened fire. By the time he emptied his magazine, Tao had killed two Americans.

Just as he had the last American in his crosshairs, Tao heard the crunching of snow behind him. Tao turned around and saw a whoole other squad of Americans looking down on him. They raised their guns and opened fire.

Tao woke up in his bunk covered in sweat...
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Post » Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:27 am

ah, good to finally see another chapter. Also good to know that they're getting better and better! :)
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