Yep, Codemasters is a U.K. company I believe so they got this game just a couple days the U.S. we must wait until June 7th which is start of summer break for me so I suppose thats perfect but damn I wish I could play it now. I loved DR but it had a lot of bugs and easily correctable flaws. It looks and sounds like Red River fixes a lot of these issues. At least when it comes out in the U.S. there will probably already be several patches so hopefully we get the closest to perfect they can give us.
Edit: and yes, Coop for the win, indeed! :thumbsup: also looking forward to this survival mode thing I heard about, gotta love a good survival mode.
I wanted to get Dragon Rising for the longest time, it was always $45 used at Gamestop and I was told it might not be worth the money. I finally found it for $10 at a flea market, a few months ago) and picked it up quick, a week later it went to $18 used at Gamestop. I really wanted to like it, I tried, but it wasnt really a tonna fun. Espescially looking forward to coop, not many people online playing it, or at least I can only see 4 or 5 people on at a time (360). I got cheats for the extra missions and they are really short. Yesterday was playing one, we start on one side of some buildings, some enemies start ont he other side, few kills later its mission accomplished, and thats on hardcoe diff. I was runnin n gunnin through hardcoe.
Whats this Survival mode?