*sigh* here we go again...
No back stab is not in the game...
You honestly need to make that your avatar photo.
its an ability im tired of people saying stuff like its not in the game when they have no proof whats soever
Well unlike someone we do research.
I would LOVE to see Halo: Reach assassination-style kills. Yes, it is third person, but in Reach it gave you a brief second of situational awareness as well as being an epic cenematic kill. Also explains to the victim (who would die, not be incapacitated, yes?) how he died if it was third person.
It is epic but also a great way to die in a canned animation.
There is no backstab ability. This was confirmed and commented on by a dev:
SOURCE - http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showpost.php?p=259561&postcount=36
Beat me 2 it.