1. Comms Upgrade- The Operative hands out a device that makes all enemy's appear on the Players map within a certain Distance, Except Enemy operatives.
2. Operative Goggles- Hands Out Goggles Which allow enemies to be seen through walls If the Player looks Right at them, Kinda useless I know but its very weak buff and it is still a buff so it just gives operatives something to give out.
3.Mine Detector- Operatives have the ability to spot mine so my first though was they could give a buff that would allow other to also see mines, that was what Operative goggles where originally going to do but then I thought its just a bit of an over powered buff, So here it is, The operative hands out a Device that will beep When the player is within a certain distance of mine not Completely telling them where they are but giving the player a rough clue based on where the sound is coming from...
Those are my ideas for now, Would love to hear more ideas because I think Splash Damage need to hear what we want, and from the sound of thing a buff for the operative is one of them,
This Poll was inspired another Poll asking if we want operative buffs