When i saw Skyrim trailer's, interviews and general info around internet it really catch my attention. I play rpg games since a really long time, including Pencil & Paper when i was younger, like D&D of Wizards or Vampire: The masquerade or Werewolf of Whitewolf.
Also i always liked a lot the Elder Scrolls saga, being my favorite game on PC, my gaming plataform as always. I see a lot of people idolatrating Morrowind, and i have to admit its a very good game, near perfection, but i liked more Daggerfall, released on 1996. I played Arena to and Oblivion to.
I just feel like if Elder Scrolls saga is going from good to worse. Im playing Skyrim and i see a lot of thing i dont like. Im not being extremist, im not saying its a bad game not even the worst. What i think, is that a good company, probably one of the best (Bethesda) is killing his reputation making a game that is actually more fitting for the regular, casual player... like the ones that defend Modern Warfare 3 to de death or so like games.
Skyrim looks good, but game system looks simply, making it more easy and less complex to play for a mayor public. I hope that my english limitation let me explain myself so far.
First i noticed is the spell system, having a spell in one hand and another on the other, or a weapon is great... but what about wearing armor, no penalty? Its all the same if i choose to make a battlemage wearing light armor, because heavy gives me more protection without any penalty. Equip spells and weapon trough menu is slower that ever, but i believe this is going to be fixed.
Next, stone sings... im taling about Mage, Thief and Warrior stones... avoiding spoilers, its doesnt feel like im really creating a character anymore if i can change my "birthsing" wherever i want. Characters are not special, they arent unique if i compare mine to yours, because you can change things that tend to be permanent.
Leveling and skills seems a little broken to me, look like they wanted to made an easier game to approach a more wide public, loosing quality product in the process. This perk system doesnt match with Elder Scrolls, its feel right to Fallout (Fallout always have them, I played all including 1 and 2, the best of them i think) but here... in Skyrim, is like just another game that haves perks, and achiviments and all that common stuff on today games.
Removing Major and Minor skill system is a big mistake, at least for me... it worked really well always, Daggerfall and Morrowind are the proof of it. This is the esence of Elder Scrolls. I even see less skills, i remember Daggerfall with running and climbing and stuff like that... characters were really complete.
Map and ambientation looks really good, though i think its a just a bit smaller that Oblivion or Morrowind... i cant compare it to Daggerfall... Daggerfall is insanely big (of course, i know that the terrain outside citys was random generated, but still great), or dungeons... Daggerfall dungeons were amazing, the best i ever seen i a game by far, Morrowind have goods ones to... Oblivion just fall down in this aspect and i cant see any really improvement in Skyrim, thouth i liked the including of puzzles.
I liked that we still have books to read, npc with life, detailed houses and citys.... all this contribute a lot to the game, and i cant say anything bad about it.
No multiplayer? Good choice to me, of course it can be fun to play Skyrim with a friend doing a co-op camping. Maybe something to add in a future DLC, but its not important at all in the Saga. I think they tried it in Battlespire but i dont like it.
I dont want to bore you, so im finishing here... anyway i cant explain my self very well because of language.
Game is good and fun to play, i dont think its linear... if i dont compare it with Daggerfall or Morrowind. I like Elder Srolls, but im trying to be mature and not just a fan boy. Im being critic.
I repeat game is good and i like it, but is a shame to see that an excelent game its loosing potential and quality.